Home Fitness Best ways to work off your Christmas dinner and drinks

Best ways to work off your Christmas dinner and drinks

by Universalwellnesssystems

Worried about overdoing it this Christmas?Experts reveal the best exercises to help digest the festive feast

  • It’s easy to eat heavy meals and drink a lot during this time.
  • But experts have now revealed the best exercises to burn down a plate
  • Fitness expert Haileen Ryan Coser shared a variety of diet workouts
  • Read more: Study reveals why women should exercise in the morning

After overdoing it on mince pies and cheese boards, probably the last thing you want to do is move.

After a big Christmas feast, I feel sick, especially when I learn that the average person has to take a nearly 12-hour walk to burn off the excess on Boxing Day.

Last year, MailOnline The roughly 50-mile hike burns out 3,475 gut-busting calories provided by the turkey and all the trimmings..

But wellbeing expert Haileen Ryan Coser has revealed some simple workouts to help you get your exercise back on track after Christmas dinner.

Fitness expert Halen Ryan Coser told FEMAIL about a variety of at-home exercises you can use to burn the exact calories of your celebratory drink.

Fitness experts, sprinters, and Olympic weightlifters have devised many workouts to burn the exact calories in all of our favorite festive drinks.

From sipping champagne and eggnog to tucking into pigs wrapped in blankets and mince pies, Haileen has you covered.

glass of champagne

Cork pops up all over the country during this festive season.

FEMAIL reveals how long it will take to clean up the entire Christmas feast

  • roasted turkey (149 calories)
  • roasted potatoes (127 calories)
  • stuffing (231 calories)
  • Bread sauce (42kcal)
  • roasted parsnips (102 calories)
  • Boiled carrot (14kcal)
  • Boiled Brussels sprouts (32kcal)
  • Gravy (17 calories)
  • Cranberry sauce (45kcal)
  • Pork sausage (62kcal)
  • Bacon (135kcal)

Here Haileen reveals the complete workout you need to burn off the calories you burned at Christmas dinner.

  • 5km run
  • Kettlebell Complex – 3 rounds

20 swing

20 goblet squats

20 suitcase lunges

20 split press

  • Dumbbell Complex – 3 rounds

10 man makers

10 romanian deadlifts

10 overhead press

= 900 calories

And whether you’re enjoying a bubbly bottle with friends or refilling your glasses on Christmas morning with family, it can feel too easy to drink a little too much.

Haileen explained that there are many exercises that can be completed in just 10 minutes to reduce the calories burned in fizz.

calorie: 80

Training time: 10 minutes

How many laps? two

  • run on the spot
  • air squat
  • run on the spot
  • groot bridge
  • run on the spot
  • climbers

6 pigs in a blanket

A pig wrapped in a blanket may be considered a staple for many British families during festive feasts.

However, a Christmas treat for six may contain 150 calories.

Three 30-second exercises stretch and soften your body after a snack.

Among the exercises Haileen suggests are crunches and burpees for core strength.

calorie: 150

Training time: 30 seconds

how many rounds? three

  • One leg V up
  • alternating crunch
  • plank jack
  • climbers
  • Half Burpee – No Press Ups

hot wine

The smell of a warm pot of mulled wine is enough to get anyone into the festive spirit.

However, one drink can contain 210 calories.

Halen’s suggested workout for exercising with a glass of wine requires you to go outside and find the stairs.

calorie: 210

Training time: 20 min

how many rounds? one

  • 5 Run up and go down about 20 steps
  • 10 squats
  • 5 run down
  • 10 squats
  • 5 run down
  • 10 squats

After going up and down the stairs, Haileen suggests using only one step to complete the circuit.

  • 20 ups and downs on each side
  • 20 calf raises on the floor
  • 20 ups and downs on each side
  • 20 calf raises on the floor
  • 20 ups and downs on each side
  • 20 calf raises on the floor

mince pie

Perhaps the most traditional celebratory treat, mince pies can be a challenge for many Brits across the country.

That’s why FEMAIL conducts taste tests every year to determine which supermarket chains offer the best snacks.

But Haileen suggests a simple exercise to lighten your mood after enjoying a mince pie, two or three.

calorie: 220

Training time: 20 min

how many rounds? one

  • high knee
  • squat
  • high knee
  • Alternate Reverse Lunge
  • high knee
  • press up
  • high knee
  • climbers


Eggnog is a type of boozy milk drink that’s perfect for Christmas on a chilly night.

And Haileen revealed that she can complete a simple workout to quit drinking in 30 minutes.

calorie: 340

Training time: half an hour

how many rounds? three

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 jump squats
  • 15 push-ups
  • 20 sumo squats
  • 25 Jumping Jack
  • 30 Crunch
  • 25 Jumping Jack
  • 20 sumo squats
  • 15 Push-ups
  • 10 jump squats
  • 5 burpees

read more:

Merry Christmas! Shrimp cocktails may be making a comeback after Marie Rose sauce used in ’70s classics became one of last year’s best festive recipes

Forget Moët and toast with supermarket champagne: Aldi, Tesco and Waitrose house-brand fizz beats out some of France’s most famous Maisons

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