Home Fitness Best strategy for weight loss: Cardio vs strength | Health

Best strategy for weight loss: Cardio vs strength | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

For decades, conventional wisdom has Cardio it was awesome exercise for weight lossAfter that, strength training came into the limelight as the exercise necessary to restore metabolism and increase the resting metabolic rate.

The key to reaching your fitness goals is being consistent. If weight loss is the goal, health experts argue that the method is to achieve a calorie deficit. When we say weight loss, it has to be in the form of fat loss, not muscle loss, and weight change is a function of muscle mass and body fat. consists of changes in both elements of

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Flexnest co-founder Leah Singh Anand said: However, only aerobic exercise burns muscle in addition to fat. Strength training, on the other hand, burns fewer calories, but keeps you in shape by building and maintaining muscle. The correct way to lose weight is to burn fat while preserving muscle. This is where a combination of strength and cardio comes into play. Adding a proper nutrition plan to this combination is key to achieving your weight loss goals. “

Wellversed co-founder and CEO Aanan Khurma advises: When it comes to the best strategies for weight loss, he should focus on all five fitness factors: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, musculoskeletal strength, flexibility and ideal body composition. Therefore, a balance of all components is required to achieve the desired result. “

He stressed: body. If you focus more on cardio for weight loss, you will lose muscle tissue unnecessarily, resulting in weaker muscles and an uncomfortable physique. Muscles tire quickly. So you need to maintain a balance between cardio and strength training. “

He affirmed: What and how much you eat has a much greater impact on weight loss. So the best strategy for weight loss is to simply follow a fitness tripod – exercise (cardio + strength training), proper nutrition, rest and recovery. not. “

According to Binita Kar, health coach at MyHealthBuddy, workouts such as cycling, running, Zumba, weight training, calisthenics, dance, and pilates can be categorized primarily as cardio or strength training.

cardiovascular training – Our heart and lungs are also muscles, and exercising them makes them stronger and allows them to deliver oxygen to the body more efficiently.

strength training – Strength training focuses on each muscle group in your body to make you stronger overall.

So which should you include in your daily routine for optimal fat loss?

Cardio Pro –

1. Helps you burn more calories.

2. It can be done in a short amount of time, like running or HIIT.

3. Spot jogging, skipping, stepping up stairs, anywhere.

4. No equipment required.

Cons –

1. Low-intensity cardio needs more time.

2. HIIT, jogging and skipping make you more prone to injury.

3. May lead to muscle loss.

strength training pros –

1. Burn calories even after your workout session.

2. Fewer injuries than high impact cardio.

3. You can do it anywhere, at home or at the gym.

4. You can use your own weight initially without the need for any equipment.

5. Maintaining muscle mass gives a toned impression.

Cons –

1. You will need equipment as you progress.

2. Learning correct technique and form takes time.

3. It can get boring.

Binita Kar points out: Optimal use of aerobic exercise as a tool also depends on individual circumstances, preferences, medical conditions or injuries, and time management. You can incorporate both cardio and strength training into your training plan. Both can be used effectively to prevent burnout from overtraining while achieving optimal fat/weight loss. “

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