Home Nutrition Best Exercise, Diet, and Supplements to Replenish ‘Shock Absorber’

Best Exercise, Diet, and Supplements to Replenish ‘Shock Absorber’

by Universalwellnesssystems
Replenish Collagen for Healthy Joints: Best Exercise, Diet, and Supplements to Replenish Your “Shock Absorbers”

Of the 28 types of collagen, two are essential for joint health and function.

Have you noticed your joints getting stiffer and more painful as you get older? Arthritis? This may be related to collagen production in the body.

After all, it’s this substance that makes up 60% of the cartilage (aka “shock absorber”) in your joints.

The good news is that it can counter the collagen (and cartilage) depletion that comes with aging.

#VitalSigns with Brendon Fallon explores the best types of exercise, diet and supplements to keep your joints in top shape.

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Vital Signs hosts, guests and contributors provide general information on improving health and wellness. It is not intended to be diagnostic or medical advice. A physician or holistic doctor should be consulted before implementing any of the strategies suggested for improving health and wellness, including those related to the prevention or treatment of specific illnesses featured in this program .

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