Home Nutrition Best carbohydrates to consume, according to new research

Best carbohydrates to consume, according to new research

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Is it time to go against conventional wisdom?

The debate over “good carbs vs. bad carbs” has long plagued diners, but new research has been published. Published in Frontiers of Nutrition It reveals the carbohydrates you should choose at mealtime.

“It’s tempting to think that all carbohydrate foods are interchangeable,” says study author Keith Ayoub, associate professor emeritus at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. stated in a statement.

“But there are reasons why these foods are classified into different food groups. Perhaps most importantly, these foods tend to have widely varying vitamin and mineral content. ”

His research found that replacing starchy vegetables like potatoes with grain-based foods like rice and whole grain bread for just one day reduced potassium by 21%, vitamin B6 by 17%, vitamin C by 11%, It was found that the fiber content decreased by 11%. Ten%.

“It’s tempting to think that all carbohydrate foods are interchangeable,” said study author Keith Ayoub. “But there’s a reason these foods are classified into different food groups.”
Antonivano – Stock.adobe.com

Ayoub created two daily menu models. One focuses on starchy vegetables (he serves hash browns for breakfast and baked potatoes for dinner), and one focuses on grains (he serves whole grains instead of potatoes for breakfast). Bread, white rice for dinner).

Ayoub noted that compared to starchy vegetables, grains tend to be low in potassium and vitamin C, but are rich in thiamine, zinc, and vitamin E.

“Many starchy vegetables are good sources of potassium (e.g. 1 medium potato provides 15%) [daily value]). “Substituting grains for starchy vegetables may further widen the gap between recommended and actual potassium intakes,” he wrote.

“Significant reductions in fiber intake (-10%) also occurred when potatoes were replaced with grains. This finding supports the need to include both starchy vegetables and grains in the diet. I am.”

Choosing complex carbohydrate sources
His research found that replacing starchy vegetables like potatoes with grain-based foods like rice or whole-grain bread for just one day reduced important nutrients.
Anaumenko – Stock.adobe.com

Dietary guidelines for Americans It is recommended that most adults consume 5 cups of starchy vegetables each week.

Starchy vegetables:

  • breadfruit
  • Burdock
  • Cassava
  • corn
  • Jicama
  • lima beans
  • Lotus root
  • plantain
  • salsify
  • tapioca
  • turnip
  • water chestnut
  • white potatoes
  • yam
  • Yucca

Ayoub outlined the limitations of his study. Potatoes were the only starchy vegetables incorporated into the menu modeling, and their range was just one day.

Modeling over 7 days using other starchy vegetables may give different results.

He noted that starchy vegetables have a different nutritional profile than grain foods and this should be recognized in dietary guidance.

“As is often the case in the nutrition world, guidance comes down to balance, variety, and moderation. As boring as it may sound, all three are beneficial to most people’s eating styles.” he emphasized.

“To ensure that both macro and micronutrient needs are met, it is important to have the right mix of vegetables and grains, including both starchy and non-starchy vegetables.”

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