Home Nutrition Benefits of apple: 9 reasons why you should eat an apple a day

Benefits of apple: 9 reasons why you should eat an apple a day

by Universalwellnesssystems

Red apples are a favorite of many, and you should, as they are very nutritious. Check out the health benefits of apples!

There are several reasons why the adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” remains popular. This is often said by parents, friends, and even doctors. The crunchy, delicious fruit is packed with nutrients. From digestion to skin health, apples have many health benefits you should know about.

What are the benefits of eating apples?

Apples are one of the most easily available and most nutritious fruits. You can eat them in bites, cut them up and eat them in salads with other fruits, or even make desserts with apples. There are many ways to eat apples. The health benefits of apples are similar.

1. Apples promote healthy digestion

Apples are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which plays an important role in promoting healthy digestion. As a result, constipation and related symptoms are prevented, says Dr. Ushakiran Sisodia, nutritionist and clinical nutritionist at Nanavati Max Super Specialty Hospital, Mumbai.

Apples have many health benefits. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

2. Good heart health

Having high cholesterol levels is not a good thing. But one of the health benefits of apples, especially the red variety, is that they are known to lower cholesterol levels. This means it may reduce your risk of all kinds of heart disease.

3. Apples fight free radicals

Nutritious apples are rich in quercetin and vitamin C, which fight free radicals in the body and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

4. Weight management

Apples are rich in fiber, which helps you feel full again. This means you won’t reach for unhealthy snacks and you’ll be less likely to become obese.

5. Bone health

When we talk about bone health, we mainly think of milk and dairy products. However, some compounds in apples, such as boron, are thought to strengthen bones as well.

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6. Reduce diabetes risk

Diabetes is slowly becoming a part of many people’s lives, and apple consumption may be associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Experts say this is probably due to the fiber and antioxidant content.

7. Skin health

The vitamin C found in apples contributes to healthy collagen production, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and overall health. Yes, apples help give you a youthful look in a way.

8. Respiratory health

Respiratory problems can also be blamed on pollution and other factors. It turns out that apple consumption can improve lung function and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases.

9. Stay hydrated

Watermelons and cucumbers aren’t the only fruits and vegetables that add moisture.
According to Dr. Sisodia, apples contain a lot of water, which helps keep your body hydrated.

Apples are packed with nutrients.Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

Nutritional information for eating one apple a day

A medium-sized apple weighing about 182 grams typically contains the following nutrients:

• Calories: Approximately 95kcal
• Carbohydrates: 25 grams
• Sugar (including fructose, glucose, and sucrose): 19 grams
• Dietary fiber: 4 grams (of which 2.4 grams is insoluble and 1.2 grams is soluble, mainly in the form of pectin)
•Protein: 0.5g
• Fat: 0.3 grams
• Vitamin C: approximately 14% of the daily value (DV)
• Potassium: 195 milligrams, or about 6% of the DV.
• Vitamin K: approximately 5% of DV
• Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): approximately 3% of the DV.
• Riboflavin (vitamin B2): approximately 2% of DV
• Manganese: approximately 4% of DV
• Magnesium: approximately 2% of DV
• Calcium: approximately 1% of DV
• Folate: approximately 1% of DV
• Iron: approximately 1% of DV
• Phosphorus: approximately 2% of DV

How many apples should I have in a day?

Experts say there’s no hard limit to the number of apples you can eat per day. However, like any other healthy food, it should be consumed as part of a balanced diet. On average, it is common for him to consume 1-2 apples per day, which is beneficial for most people.

Apples are an instant source of energy as they contain natural sugars that boost your energy throughout the day. At the same time, eating an apple in the morning can stimulate your digestive system for the day. However, some people may experience discomfort or a sour taste when eating an apple on an empty stomach. Therefore, if you have stomach problems, be careful not to eat this fruit on an empty stomach.

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