Home Nutrition Beetroot shots to baking powder: the science behind sport’s most popular supplements | Nutrition

Beetroot shots to baking powder: the science behind sport’s most popular supplements | Nutrition

by Universalwellnesssystems

IIn August, Keeley Hodgkinson won Britain’s only Olympic gold medal in track. The foundation for the 800m star’s world-class performance comes from a regime of strength beyond running distance, cross-training, dune training and a £15 subsidy that he’s had for years. However, this system reached a breakthrough in 2024. Hodgkinson said: Sodium bicarbonate (also known as baking powder) is used to enhance her training and racing, and Moulten’s “bicarbonate system” in particular is used by 80% of Parisian endurance athletes, according to one top coach. It is said that he was doing so. “I couldn’t recommend it highly enough,” Hodgkinson coach Trevor Painter said. but why? Why did another leading coach call the sodium bicarbonate and molten system “golden dust”? What other legal supplements are used besides bicarb? Currently, this The industry is valued at $17.61 billion (£13.15 billion) and includes a vast amount of pills, powders and potions aimed at improving sports performance. Here we look at evidence for four of them.

The nitrates found in beetroot may have effects on the cardiovascular system. Photo: Eliza Spencer/The Guardian

beet shot

Root vegetables are rich in nitrates, which improve athletic performance. However, it must be highly concentrated to be effective, and a 75ml shot requires approximately 6 beets.

“When you consume foods that contain nitrates, some of the nitrates enter the intestinal salivary system,” says Andy Jones, professor of applied physiology at the University of Exeter. “The salivary glands secrete saliva that is high in nitrates, and the bacteria in your mouth break it down into nitrites. When you swallow this nitrites, it is converted to nitric oxide in your intestines.” It relaxes and expands, increasing blood flow and making exercise “easier” so you can work harder.

Mr. Jones’ 2009 survey Cyclists experienced a 16% increase in the time to exhaustion during time trials. since then, Multiple studies back up the claim Gain from shot. Initially, it was thought that only endurance athletes would benefit; recent research This suggests that performance can also be optimized in high-intensity sports such as sprinting and football. Additionally, “recreational athletes benefit more than elite athletes,” Jones says, because elite athletes’ cardiovascular systems are already working close to maximum.

Dosage and side effects
Ideally, the injection should be taken two to three hours before exercise, as this is the time when nitrite levels are at their peak. Beat It shots cost £25 for 15 shots (approximately £1.66 each).

There are no side effects other than pink urine. Try to avoid mouthwashes as they kill the bacteria in your mouth that starts the nitric oxide process.

How was it for me?
When I completed the L’Etape du Tour (an event where amateurs complete a stage of the Tour de France) a few years ago, I used a shot of beets. It felt fresher and healthier, but this may be due to better food choices.

“Probiotics and prebiotics are associated with improved general health, but there is a growing body of research showing that they may also improve performance.” Photo: Georg Hergenhan/Alamy

Probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics are nutritional supplements of live microorganisms, and prebiotics are sources of fiber that fertilize the good bacteria in your gut. Probiotics can be obtained from fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kombucha, and prebiotic foods include asparagus and garlic. Both are also available in supplementary format. And both have the potential to improve your athletic performance, especially if you’re a recreational runner or cyclist.

“Probiotics and prebiotics are associated with improved general health, but research is increasing.” [suggesting] It can also improve performance,” says Adam Collins, PhD in prebiotics and exercise from the University of Bath.

“a 2020 survey Supplementing with probiotics has been shown to cause cyclists to consume more carbohydrates per hour due to changes in the intestinal lining,” says Collins. The theory is that the more carbohydrates you can break down and use during exercise, without suffering from cramps or stomach problems, the more energy you’ll have, allowing you to run, ride, and swim longer and harder. You can

According to research, “Probiotics can reduce the duration and incidence of illness in athletes, but they cannot reduce the severity,” Collins added. And further gains can be made by mitigating the effects of: respiratory diseaseThis is common in people who exercise outdoors in dry winter conditions.

Dosage and side effects
Many commercially available probiotic drinks and tablets contain between 25 and 50 billion bacteria per serving, of which you should take one per day. “Your daily prebiotic intake can range from 2.5g to 10g,” says Collins. Supplements that combine probiotics and prebiotics can be purchased for around £20 (about 33p per day) for 60 capsules.

As for side effects, some people may experience gas or bloating, Collins said. “In the most severe cases, you may have to stop exercising and go to the bathroom. Some people may need to poop every time they urinate. But generally this passes quickly.”

How was it for me?
I am currently a guinea pig for Collins’ prebiotic research. It’s too early to say what the benefit will be because you may have been given a placebo. Collins hopes to publish his findings next year.

There is growing evidence that creatine not only improves physical performance, but also brain health. Photo: Gabriel Soler Tomasella/Alamy


Creatine is stored in your muscles as phosphocreatine and plays an important role in generating energy for maximum effort. “The problem is that there are only a limited number of stores,” says Dr. Mark Fell, team nutritionist for cycling team Ineos Grenadiers. “This means that the more creatine you take, the faster phosphocreatine will be resynthesized during exercise, allowing you to work harder.”

Creatine is typically found in red meat and shellfish, but in relatively small amounts, making it popular as a supplement. This is also why supplements may benefit vegetarians more than carnivores.

A 2003 review of more than 500 studies found that approximately 70% of these studies reported statistically significant positive results. In a 2017 study, the creatine group gained 7.2% more muscle mass than the placebo group. 2000 years of research Soccer players were found to maintain their sprinting and jumping performance with creatine. There is also growing evidence that creatine improves brain health, cognition, and memory, especially in older adults.

Dosage and side effects
Creatine comes in different forms, but choose the monohydrate version. Unlike supplements such as creatine ethyl ester, it is proven to be absorbed quickly and there is evidence to support it.

As for dosage, “it depends on how quickly you want to build up your creatine stores,” says Fell. “One option is to take a 5-day loading dose of 20g creatine per day (taken in 4 divided doses of 5g), followed by 3-5g per day. You may get more benefit from taking creatine immediately after exercise with a carbohydrate such as rice or pasta.” 250g of creatine powder starts at around £10. At 5g per serving, that’s the equivalent of 20p per day.

“The most common side effect is weight gain. This happens because creatine causes water retention in the muscles. You can gain up to 2 kg.” Not yet.

How was it for me?
It gave me some decent strength gains, but sadly for this 47 year old, what was more noticeable was water retention, which made me look bloated. Thankfully, claims that creatine causes hair loss have been proven to be unfounded.

Top coaches describe Moulten’s bicarb system as “golden dust.” Photo: Maurten.com

baking powder

Research into the performance-enhancing effects of Baking Power dates back to the 1930s, but its common and undesirable effects on the gastrointestinal system prevented its widespread use by athletes.

Recently, however, sports nutrition companies have discovered a way to deliver powders in gels, which has largely overcome these problems.

When you exercise intensely, you feel a “burn”. This is because the accumulation of hydrogen ions makes the blood more acidic, which in turn reduces muscle strength and performance. That’s where the “savior” sodium bicarbonate comes in. It is an alkaline buffer. When you take it before a workout, you have the ability to work out harder because you’re starting with a more alkaline base, and in Hodgkinson’s case, you can run faster before your blood becomes more acidic and slows you down. It’s a theory.

In 2021, the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that sodium bicarbonate supplementation improves performance in “muscular endurance activities such as boxing, judo, karate, taekwondo, and wrestling, as well as high-intensity cycling, running, swimming, rowing, etc.” I concluded that it would.

Dr Andy Sparkes, Honorary Visiting Fellow at Liverpool John Moores University, has conducted research in this area which led to him being hired by sports nutrition company Morten. Their hydrogel formulations are widely popular. “Carbohydrate hydrogels provide gastric protection within the stomach and optimize bicarbonate delivery,” he says. “This new method of consumption expands its applicability to endurance athletes and reduces potential side effects.”

Dosage and side effects
At this time, there are no independent studies on Maurten’s dicarbohydrate system. “But I won’t name a paper that I don’t believe is well done, well analyzed and interpreted,” Sparks says. “I wouldn’t have been able to leave full-time academia if I wasn’t convinced of the effectiveness of the product. The players are happy, too.”

When it comes to cost, baking soda is nominal and effective. Maurten’s products start at around £60 for four servings, so £15 each. Therefore, it is not cheap. Also, try it first in training rather than in a race, as you don’t want to give your stomach any surprises.

How was it for me?
I tried a little bit of sodium bicarbonate, both in tablet and molten form, but came up with no conclusions. I tried Maurten’s mix before parkrun. There was no bloat or wind, but the gusts coming off the Severn Strait made conclusions inconclusive.

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