Home Medicine Beaver County doctor faces opioid prescription-related charges

Beaver County doctor faces opioid prescription-related charges

by Universalwellnesssystems

Investigators from the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office combed through an 18-month high dose of opioids and other prescriptions written by Dr. Bernie Simmons of Beaver County. He is currently charged with three misdemeanor counts of prescribing a controlled substance to a drug addict. The family practice where Beaver County doctors worked has long since disappeared from its former Hopewell location. However, he is now facing charges following an investigation into a doctor’s prescription for opioids in 2019. His attorney, Stephen Valsamidis, told Action News 4 in Pittsburgh. “All I can say is Dr. Bernie Simmons is a good doctor. Patients love him. When you look at his client and patient reviews, it’s phenomenal. I’m really looking forward to working with the Attorney General’s Office to resolve this issue and I hope we can,” Valsamidis said. , Beaver County. The place has been closed and vacant for over a year, according to people who live and work in the area. Heritage Valley Health System did not respond to a request for comment. The criminal complaint says the state attorney general’s office investigated reports that Simons “prescribed large amounts of opioids along with other contraindicated drugs.” Investigators looked at records from January 2018 to June 2019. The state attorney general’s office did not comment on the allegations on Friday, and the Beaver County District Attorney declined to comment on the state’s lawsuit. The criminal complaint alleges that there are some pharmacists in Beaver County. “Over the years, Dr. Simmons’ prescriptions have become ‘too out of hand’ and many local pharmacies refuse to fill Dr. Simmons’ prescriptions,” Balsamidis told investigative sources. “Just being charged with this offense ruins anyone’s character and reputation and he’s definitely upset that he has to deal with this,” he said. But as I said before, he is a very good doctor. His patients love him. When you meet him in person, he’s very charismatic and likeable,” Valsamidis said.

Investigators from the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office combed through an 18-month high dose of opioids and other prescriptions written by Dr. Bernie Simmons of Beaver County. They are now indicting him for three misdemeanors of prescribing controlled substances to drug addicts.

The family practice where the Beaver County physician worked has long since disappeared from its former Hopewell location. However, he is now facing charges following an investigation into a doctor’s prescription for opioids in 2019.

His attorney, Stephen Valsamidis, told Action News 4 in Pittsburgh.

“What I can say here is that Dr. Bernie Simmons is a good doctor. Patients love him, and when you look at his client-to-patient reviews, it’s amazing. I’m really looking forward to working with the Attorney General’s Office on this matter, and I hope we can,” Valsamidis said.

Simmons worked for the Heritage Valley medical group in a building on Bath Road in Hopewell near Aliquippa in Beaver County. The place has been closed and vacant for over a year, according to people who live and work in the area. Heritage Valley Health System did not respond to a request for comment.

According to the criminal complaint, the state attorney general’s office investigated reports that Simons “prescribed large amounts of opioids along with other contraindicated drugs.”

Investigators examined records from January 2018 to June 2019.

The state attorney general’s office did not comment on the allegations on Friday, and the Beaver County District Attorney also declined to comment on the state lawsuit.

According to the criminal complaint, some Beaver County pharmacists told investigators that “Over the years, Dr. Simons’ prescriptions have become ‘so out of hand’ that many local pharmacies have refused to accept prescriptions issued by Dr. Simons.”

“I can say that the charges have just been filed and the hearing is scheduled for the end of August. After that hearing, hopefully we can give you some updates,” Valsamidis said.

“The mere accusation of this crime hurts anyone’s character and reputation, and he’s definitely upset that this matter has to be dealt with. But, as I said before, he’s a very good doctor. His patients like him. When you meet him, he’s very charismatic and likeable,” Dr. Valsamidis said.

Simons was arraigned on Thursday and released on his own accord. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for August 28.

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