Home Fitness Balance training can help you avoid falls, stay steady on your feet

Balance training can help you avoid falls, stay steady on your feet

by Universalwellnesssystems


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Until most people think about their balance, SpillBut it’s common: 1 in 4 adults over 65 fall every year. Twenty percent of these spills lead to serious injuries such as hip fractures and head injuries. Good news? You can reduce your risk of falls with what experts call balance training.

Balance training is a program of activities designed to improve your response to potential fall hazards.

Debra Rose, director of the Center for Aging Success at California State University Fullerton and creator of the FallProof Balance and Mobility Program, said:

The most effective programs combine activities that focus directly on balance. functional training (movements that resemble daily activities such as standing up) and strength training, According to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

Fall protection program

Senior centers may offer balance training and some YMCAs offer the following programs: move for better balanceYou can also create your own routine by combining the various activities below.

Zigzag walking, frequent changes of direction, and speeding up and down can improve balance when combined with normal forward walking, according to Rose.

One researcher found that Tai Chi reduced the rate of falls by 23%. Australian reviews Of 116 studies published in 2020. Rose says that slow, controlled movement requires weight shift, an important part of balance.

Dancing solo (such as Zumba) or with a partner requires motor and sensory abilities.Ah German studies It has been found that dancing weekly improves balance more than typical aerobic exercise.

Strength training, including squats, lunges, or standing exercises, helps challenge the leg, back, and abdominal muscles that are important for stability.

yoga can improve balance in people over the age of 60. A review of six studies published in Age and AgingHelps when you are still or in motion.

Moves you can do anywhere

Aim to do each balance-building exercise two to three times a day.

Around the clock: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine a clock face on the floor. Moving from the hips, shift the weight forward to his 12 o’clock position and back to the center. Do the same for positions 3, 6 and 9. Add 1, 5, 7, 11.

Tightrope walker: Practice walking in an imaginary line with one foot directly in front of the other but not touching. Look at the area in front of you, not the floor, and keep your eyes forward. Walk along the wall and put a finger or two if you feel unsteady.

going up: Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Without using your hands, stand up and sit down as if you were taking an elevator to the first floor. Repeat up to the 2nd floor, increasing in small increments until standing.

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