Home Health Care B.C. Conservatives promise patients-first makeover of health-care system

B.C. Conservatives promise patients-first makeover of health-care system

by Universalwellnesssystems

Vaughn Palmer: John Rustad’s Conservative Party poached candidates and donors from BC United and is now cherry-picking its policy proposals.

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VICTORIA — British Columbia Conservative Leader John Rustad released his first major policy platform Thursday, featuring an ambitious and sure to be controversial take on his government’s biggest program: health care reform.

Rustad’s policy announcements so far have been brief and ad-hoc, giving the impression of a novice leader making decisions on the spot.

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But encouraged by opinion polls suggesting a two-party race between the upstart Conservatives and the ruling NDP, Rustad convened reporters at a Vancouver hotel for more substantive talk.

The result was the Patient-First Model of Health Care, a collection of point-by-point policy proposals backed by a 12-page backgrounder cross-referenced with actual data and sources.

This ambitious aspect is encapsulated in a pledge to “put patients first by expanding access to care and reducing long wait times.”

How Rustad plans to get there raises the possibility of a dispute.

Patients would be guaranteed access to the care they need if wait times exceeded recommended minimums, and would have the option to choose between public, private and out-of-state government-funded options.

Rustad argues billing for medical procedures will be “seamless” through existing BC Health Cards, regardless of whether the provider is public or private.

He said patients would not notice any changes to the universal, publicly funded aspects of the system.

The Conservatives are also proposing radical changes to the way the health sector is funded.

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“Hospitals, local health authorities and/or other non-governmental facilities will receive public funding based on when they treat patients for specific diagnoses and priority procedures, rather than the current model of providing a standard ‘block grant’.”

Rustad believes the switch will incentivize medical facilities “to be more efficient and treat as many patients as possible,” and encourage patients to choose “the option that will give them the best outcome to meet their needs.”

The state plans to expand options by “expanding publicly funded partnerships with non-government clinics for certain priority treatment and diagnostic services.”

The Conservatives are also proposing patient-first waiting time guarantees.

“If a diagnosis or medical procedure exceeds the medically recommended wait time, the physician may recommend that the patient be authorized to receive care or treatment at a pre-approved clinic outside the state and be reimbursed according to the established fee schedule.”

“We will pursue a phased approach, starting with certain procedures and expanding to other areas over time. As we evaluate/review each step, we will assess the feasibility of expanding the coverage.”

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The Conservatives have pledged to expand reporting on how long it takes to see a specialist and undergo surgery, and to publicly track the progress of the reforms.

They would force health officials to report the annual number of times patients die while waiting for surgery.

Rustad believes that by shifting resources from high-level, concentrated administrative tiers to the front line, the state can become more efficient.

“Germany has twice the population of Canada but 10 times the number of health care administrators. We will cut red tape and put funds directly to patients on the front line where it matters most. This includes hiring more nurses, doctors, specialists and other health care professionals.”

Even with the expected savings, Rustad acknowledged that the move to reduce wait times will cause costs to “spike at first” before eventually “leveling off.”

How big a jump? He declined to provide an estimate.

Rustad, like many previous opposition leaders, has said that if he forms a government, a full cost calculation will only come after he has checked the books.

A Conservative government would improve workplace safety in the health system, starting with a “zero tolerance” policy on the possession and use of illegal drugs in hospitals.

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“We have a situation where 71 per cent of B.C. nurses feel unsafe in their work environment, which is causing valuable staff to leave the profession. To retain and attract health-care workers, we need to protect and support our frontline staff.”

Other changes include stepping up recruitment of foreign medical professionals and expanding incentives to encourage doctors to relocate to underserved areas of the state, including Rustad’s home north.

On the first day of a Conservative government, the province will begin rehiring “thousands of health care workers” who were fired for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

The New Democrats have rejected that, asserting the authority of Dr. Bonnie Henry, a provincial health official who once said health-care workers should find another job if they don’t believe in vaccines.

Rustad also vowed to repeal the heavy-handed Health Professions Act, which the New Democrats passed without sufficient debate after growing fed up with criticism of the bill.

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BC United responded to Rustad’s policy announcement by accusing the Conservatives of stealing ideas they proposed weeks, or even months, ago.

The allegations, pathetic as they were, confirmed what had been happening on the political centre-right for much of this year.

Rustad has stolen United’s state legislators, candidates, funding and polling positions, and now he appears to be cherry-picking the party’s platform.

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