Home Nutrition Ayesha Curry Partners With MyFitnessPal To Help Jumpstart Your 2023 Health Routine

Ayesha Curry Partners With MyFitnessPal To Help Jumpstart Your 2023 Health Routine

by Universalwellnesssystems

new year, new year, healthier you? Now that 2023 is here, you might be feeling the pressure to step up your health and wellness routine and wondering where to start. Luckily, her wellness guru and entrepreneur, Ayesha Curry, has a solution to jumpstart your health care for the new year. Her two-time bestselling New York Times bestselling author and chef has partnered with her MyFitnessPal, a comprehensive nutrition and fitness tracking app that helps members reach their own health goals, as 2023 kicks off. We are inviting you to join our two week free program. Start your health challenge now.

“The start of a new year is an opportunity to reset and establish intentions for the next 12 months. Many people make decisions about their health. We know everyone’s goals are different, and we have the tools to help you navigate every journey,” explains Tricia Han, CEO of MyFitnessPal. “In The Jumpstart, Your Health Challenge, she shares tips and advice over the course of two weeks. Small adjustments can lead to big changes.”

Curry meets this challenge by lending her tips, tricks and recipes to help members build healthy habits and reach their personal health goals. With insights from and the best advice from over 200 million MyFitnessPal members, Curry has you covered whether your goal is to lose weight, gain weight or build muscle. , share how small daily changes can lead to important and meaningful health changes. Or change your diet.

“Over the years, as a busy mother of three, I have always looked to MyFitnessPal as my partner on my health journey to track my diet, fitness and hydration goals. I’m so excited to partner with MyFitnessPal to share tips and recipes that have helped me,” said Curry. “I’ve been following her 14-day challenge to gain lean muscle and eat more plant-based protein. In the new year, whatever your goals, make self-care a priority and follow this free challenge.” I hope you will join us.”

Curry is familiar with the MyFitnessPal app. He’s been using the MyFitnessPal app for years and the partnership feels natural. “What I love about this particular activation we’re doing is that it’s an easy plan. As the new year approaches, we often set these big lofty goals for ourselves, but most of the time we fail. makes it easy to transform your health and wellness,” she tells ESSENCE.

From fitness to diet, MyFitnessPal has collected the best tips and habits that many members have proven successful. We share that knowledge with those who are ready to start their journey to health in the new year. The app allows you to log your meals, hydration and meal prep so you can create a consistent and nutritious diet. Relieve stress.

Meal prep tips and recipes include several from Curry, including her tropical post-workout smoothie, naked turkey and smashed avocado burger, grilled chicken and mango corn salsa. Incorporating some of my favorites that the MyFitnessPal team and I have developed, we have focused on recipes that really work and are easy to make, and for flavor, I put my spin on them. “Sometimes health and wellness tends to be very granola, and keeping your journey consistent can be overwhelming. But with this, it’s all delicious.”

One of her favorite easy and go-to meal prep meals takes less than 15 minutes to prepare. “I like anything in a lettuce cup. I make Asian chicken lettuce cups or ground turkey. I love that I can do it in big batches and keep it in the fridge for a week,” she reveals.

Don’t worry; Curry plans to be more conscious about non-dietary health this year and encourages us to do the same. For 14 days, just practice how to be conscious of your own health and wellness.The app lets you track hydration, track fitness and steps, track your weight, and more if you’re trying to lose or maintain. If you are, you can access this database of recipes and workouts.As long as you do something every day, it’s a challenge in itself.The challenge is familiar, easy, and overwhelmed because you didn’t complete all of the challenge objectives. Don’t be discouraged or discouraged, we’ve made it very simple,” she says.

Curry struggled with feeling like he was pushing himself too hard and not achieving his goals because of his extremely high expectations. My health and wellness, I was in this constant state of defeat.And I took on more of my 80/20 life. I’m enjoying life, but I’m conscious and careful about what I put in my body, but I’m very fixated on my health and wellness, so don’t skip a moment of celebration.” she says.

She continues: And often when you’re keeping track of what you’re putting into your body, like when you physically write it down or type it on your iPhone or computer, you can’t tell what you’re putting into it. begin to appear. body. I find that recording what I am doing makes me more mindful. I want to put better things into my body. “

Why should you prioritize health in January 2023?

For self-care, Currie’s favorite practices are meditation and prayer, a ritual she plans to adopt in 2023. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 15 minutes, just reflect on that time each day and have a moment of gratitude. Sometimes it results in my kids running and going crazy, but I try to make that happen. Food is my life too. What and how I eat is a form of self-care, and I love putting in good food for my body.

For more information on MyFitnessPal, please visit www.myfitnesspal.com or download from the App Store and Google Play.

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