Home Nutrition Avoid bloating ahead of Carnival with these trainer-approved tips

Avoid bloating ahead of Carnival with these trainer-approved tips

by Universalwellnesssystems

With Earth's biggest show just a week away, you want to look and feel your best when you go out.

Aliya Alexander, an ISSA-certified personal trainer and nutrition coach who works with female clients, shares some helpful tips to avoid bloating and get ready for Carnival on Monday and Tuesday.

Prioritize protein: If you want to get in shape for Carnival, Alexander emphasizes sticking to your diet even when you're in a calorie deficit. He adjusts the ratio of macronutrients he consumes to support muscle retention and fat loss. Also, be sure to eat whole, unprocessed foods.

“Make sure you're getting enough lean protein. Typically, based on my clients' activity levels and training schedules, they get 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight. However, BMI If you're over 30, get 1 gram of protein for every pound of your target weight,” says Alexander.

She suggests lean protein sources such as different types of fish, chicken breast, turkey breast, and egg whites. This approach supports muscle maintenance during calorie deficits and helps increase satiety.

Keep your carbohydrates low: As Carnival approaches, Alexander says it's okay to reduce your carb intake and replace unhealthy carbs with healthier options like sweet potatoes, quinoa, leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, and cucumbers.

She recommends more water-based, low-carbohydrate fruits, such as watermelon and different types of berries.

At the same time, personal trainers advise not to completely remove carbohydrates from the diet before Carnival.

“Don't eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. Your body needs them to provide energy for normal daily activities and for road-ready training.

You can choose to consume your carbohydrates closer to your training time, or you can choose to consume most of your allotted carbohydrates early in the day and taper off in the evening. Dinner can be a low-carb meal,” says Alexander.

“Healthy fats are also important and can be obtained from avocados, nuts, and olive oil. Eating healthy fats will help you stay fuller longer,” she added.

Watch your sugar intake: Another important tip is to try to limit added sugar. Alexander points out that many of the foods we eat have added sugars, but we don't realize it, making it easy to consume too much sugar.

Sugary drinks, snacks, stews and sauces (ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce) should be eliminated from your diet as Carnival approaches, she says.

People need to keep in mind that our drinks can also contain sugar, she says.

“I know we're also in the festive season and alcohol is part of the experience, too. But this is another way empty calories sneak in.

While eliminating alcohol may not be an option, choosing drinks like gin, vodka, and white rum, and using low-calorie chasers like soda water, sparkling water, or even a lime wedge can help. It can be a safer option,” says Alexander.

She further adds: “Warm lemon water first thing in the morning should also be part of your journey preparation. Water, black coffee, green tea, peppermint tea, or ginger tea can aid digestion and help reduce bloating.”

Strengthen your hydration and vitamin supplements. “Talking about drinks brings us to the next tip about hydration. It's important to drink enough water throughout the day to prevent dehydration,” points out the personal trainer.

She says when traveling, you should choose plain water or coconut water between drinks.

Alexander added that people shouldn't skimp on their vitamin intake during this time. She specifically recommends a good multivitamin, vitamins C, D3, omega-3, and B complex.

Personal trainers will also share proven tips to stay road-ready and have a safe and fun carnival.

She emphasizes planning and preparing meals to know what you're eating and eliminate the urge to buy fast food for convenience.

“On days I'm out, I like to have a big omelet with vegetables and black coffee. I'll snack on cucumber or watermelon and drink green tea or my favorite, ginger tea.

Personally, I don't eat too many carbs because I know I can get them from the food the band provides on tour,” Alexander says.

Connect with Alexander Instagram Start your fitness plan today!

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