Home Fitness Athletes out of the 2025 CrossFit Games

Athletes out of the 2025 CrossFit Games

by Universalwellnesssystems

Jelle Hoste has joined a growing list of names that announced they are coming out of the 2025 CrossFit Games season. Over the past few days, Chandler Smith and Pat Werner have joined Elisa Friano and Annie Solisdottil to confirm their non-participation this season. You can now add the host’s name to the list.

The host sat on the PFAA athlete board and noted that accountability and transparency was extremely lacking in the wake of Lazaru Dukic’s death. Rather than competing with CrossFit, he focuses his energy on world fitness projects and Rogue Invitational.

Jelle Hoste’s statement can be seen in full here:

“Silence doesn’t drive change. Action changes. That’s why I won’t compete in the 2025 CrossFit game season.

For years, my goal has been simple: Becoming an athlete in CrossFit games. I was inspired by those who came before me, pushing my limits between them, and ultimately what once had been achieved seemed impossible.

Today, as I stand shoulder to shoulder with an athlete I highly respect, I feel the personal responsibility and duty to lead by example.

For me, that means competition is important, but we’re talking in difficult moments too.

As athletes, we push our bodies to the limits in competitions. It’s completely our choice. At the same time, we believe that our staff prioritize our safety, maintain the integrity of our sport, and ensure fair competition with clear standards and protocols.

That wasn’t the case. I learned it when a completely avoidable tragedy happened when we lost our friend Lazare.

Trust is broken when accountability is blatantly circumvented and transparency is completely dismissed. This year, I stand on my principles and choose a different path.

I believe in a future where athletes have a voice and their voices are truly important. So this year, I will put energy into other major competitions (World Fitness Project, Rogue,…)

I love this community and I respect the journey of every athlete no matter which direction I choose.

The hard thing is what we do, and for now, this is a difficult thing I have to do.

To those who keep pushing, competing and evolving this sport: I support you. But for me, it’s not a game at this point. ”

With so many celebrities participating in this CrossFit season, it seems likely that new organizations like the World Fitness Project will benefit greatly. It can also be set up for a more open CrossFit season with more space to break through the new name.

Read more: Peter Attier balances lifting and aerobic exercise on the same day

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