Home Products At 16 I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria in under an HOUR and given sex change surgery after just two appointments… I’m suing the doctors who permanently mutilated me

At 16 I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria in under an HOUR and given sex change surgery after just two appointments… I’m suing the doctors who permanently mutilated me

by Universalwellnesssystems

By Caitlin Tilley, Dailymail.Com Health Reporter

23:42 September 13, 2023, Updated 23:44 September 13, 2023

  • Luka Hein underwent surgery at the age of 16 and claims he suffers from daily pain.
  • Since then, she has decided to “desexualize” and live as a woman.
  • Read more: Detransitioner who had her breasts removed gives a boob job

A woman who claims she was rushed into having sex reassignment surgery is suing the doctors who performed a double mastectomy on her as a child.

Luca Hein underwent irreversible surgery at the age of 16, but claims she is in daily pain from the surgery and that hormones may have robbed her of the chance to become a mother.

The 21-year-old Minnesota native went through a traumatic several years as a teenager, when her parents went through a bitter divorce and she was left in the care of a man she met online.

She became increasingly reclusive and spent more time online, where she began following transgender influencers and became convinced that she was born with the wrong gender.

Luca, from Minnesota, claims she was diagnosed with gender dysphoria by her therapist within an hour during her first session and was referred for “top” surgery after her second appointment.

She told DailyMail.com: “I was going through the darkest, most confusing time of my life, and instead of giving me the help I needed, these doctors affirmed that confusion as real. ”

Luka before receiving gender-affirming care
Luca shows off the scars on his chest after an irreversible double mastectomy

She added, “I don’t think children can ever come to terms with essentially having their whole body functions taken away from them at a young age before they even know what that means.”

“I was recommended medical intervention, but I did not fully understand its long-term effects and consequences.”

The lawsuit filed by Mr. Hine in Nebraska today accuses the Gender Clinic at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) of medical malpractice and seeks financial damages.

Luca said he is suing for financial compensation and “accountability for these facts.” [doctors] Please let me experience this.

In her 28-page complaint, she said she regretted the surgery and when she went back to the doctors, they told her to seek mental health counseling.

“I think this is just part of your gender journey,” her doctor said, according to the lawsuit.

“I was basically just ignored,” Luka told DailyMail.com

Since then, she has decided to “desexualize” and live as a woman.

However, the treatment is said to have left her with permanent scars, a deep voice, and hormonal abnormalities.

She also claims that she has pain in her joints, lumbar spine, hands, wrists, elbows and pelvic area due to the hormone therapy, adding that she will not be able to breastfeed and may become infertile.

As a result of the treatment she received, Luka will no longer be able to breastfeed and may become infertile.

Luca is the latest so-called “detransitioner” to take legal action against doctors in a case that could be pivotal in America’s heated debate over transgender rights and medical practices, especially children. “is.

Her papers were filed this afternoon in District Court in Douglas County, Nebraska.

They name Dr. Ahia Amoura, an obstetrician-gynecologist, and Megan Smith-Sarans, who worked as an “affirmative” therapist at a gender clinic.

Also named are Dr. Perry Johnson, who performed the surgery, and Dr. Stefan Barrientos, who assisted in the surgery, both of whom work at UNMC’s Gender Clinic.

They are accused of medical malpractice in the complaint, which also calls for a jury trial. The defendants did not immediately respond to DailyMail.com’s request for comment.

Luka’s ordeal began in 2015, when the then 13-year-old said her world changed forever when her parents divorced.

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She was forced to split her time between two households, and her life became “chaotic.”

Luca struggled in school and suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. She lost her appetite, began self-harming and talked about her suicide.

She was diagnosed with depression and generalized anxiety disorder and was put on antipsychotic medication.

In 2017, Luca was preyed upon by an older man from another state who groomed her online and persuaded her to send him sexually explicit photos.

When she refused to send more, he threatened her. She became frightened and called the police.

As Luka entered adolescence, she hated having her period and felt extremely uncomfortable with her developing breasts.

After being traumatized by an online encounter with an older man, Luka decided that maybe it would be better if she didn’t have any breasts at all.

She started researching sexuality issues online and found transgender influencers who advocated for hormones and surgery.

She ordered a chest binder, transferred from an all-girls school, and changed her name. Luka began identifying as male and told her parents and mental health provider that she was transgender.

From what she had learned online, she thought having her breasts removed might improve her mental state.

Luca claims the clinic gave her an “instant” diagnosis of gender dysphoria just 55 minutes after her first session in July 2017.

This “does not meet the standard of care for adequately evaluating gender dysphoria,” the lawsuit says.

The speed of diagnosis created a “feedback system that manipulated patients like Luca into deeper and more harmful levels of transgender medical intervention,” the lawsuit adds.

In October 2017, Ms Smith-Sarans referred Luka to the Gender Clinic for a double mastectomy.

Before the surgery, Luca told DailyMail.com that he stopped wearing a chest binder for several months because of constant pain in his ribs.

She said, “I remember thinking, ‘Hey, this isn’t that bad.'” I was still being pushed into surgery anyway. ”

She received the irrevocable procedure on July 26, 2018, but the complaint says she “didn’t have the capacity to consent.”

Luca said the first week after surgery was “one of the worst times of my life.”

Since going public with his story, Luca has become friends with about 20 other detransitioners.

She said meeting people who best understood what she was going through was “one of the most healing things.”

In recent years, many states have taken steps to restrict or ban transgender care for people under 18.

Some medical associations claim that such treatments save the lives of suicidal people.

But those opposed to trans ideology argue that gender is determined at birth and cannot be changed, that medical advisory bodies are taken over by ideologues, and that parents, doctors and therapists should be stopped from permanently harming children. They argue that politicians must intervene in order to do so.

In recent years, there has been a surge in the number of teenage girls with autism and other mental health issues who are seeking gender reassignment, as well as new research linking puberty blockers to weak bones and osteoporosis. Many people have concerns about the research.

Whether transgender children should be allowed access to drugs or surgery has become a front line in America’s culture wars, with Republicans pushing to outlaw gender-affirming care in about 20 states this year.

The number of sex-reassignment surgeries performed each year across the United States has nearly tripled in recent years. Approximately 48,000 patients underwent such surgeries over the five-year period covered by the study, with a peak of around 13,000 in 2019 and 12,800 in 2020.

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