Home Products Aspirin under increased scrutiny after medical study: Is it safe for everyone?

Aspirin under increased scrutiny after medical study: Is it safe for everyone?

by Universalwellnesssystems

(wagon radio) – In a study of 19,000 people, doctors took a closer look at aspirin.

The study last month Annals of Internal Medicine, focused on a huge group of 65+. Half were given 100 mg aspirin daily and the other half were given a placebo.

The study found that the group taking low-dose aspirin was 25 percent more likely to be anemic, explained Dr. Kevin Most, chief medical officer at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital. .

Anemia refers to a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy blood cells to properly carry oxygen throughout the body.

“So we’re starting to take it seriously again that aspirin is now under scrutiny,” Dr. Most said in a recent interview. wagon radio. “We need to understand the risks and benefits. It potentially prevents strokes and heart attacks, but it can also cause anemia. I have to keep.”

Dr. Most explained that doctors are already moving away from recommending daily aspirin to all older people because aspirin is associated with an increased risk of bleeding such as gastric bleeding and aneurysms. The new study is another factor to discuss with your doctor when deciding whether daily aspirin is best for you, he said.

“I now take infant aspirin daily. Why? Because it’s too risky. My father died of a heart attack and I have high cholesterol. That’s why I have high blood pressure. …but the risks and benefits.” We recommend that you consult your doctor to confirm your relationship.”

Listen to the full interview with Dr. Most in the audio player below.

Dr. Most also suggested talking to a doctor about switching to enteric-coated aspirin.coating can help Reduce damage to the lining of the stomach Prevents bleeding from the stomach.

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