Home Products Ask Damon: Should I get my friends’ baby vaccinated without telling them?

Ask Damon: Should I get my friends’ baby vaccinated without telling them?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Hi Damon: My best friend is an antivaxer (all vaccines, not just covid). So does his wife. They have a 9 month old baby who has not been vaccinated. I babysit for them every other week. Should I take my baby to take a shot without telling him?

Anonymous: my feelings about vaccination well documentedBut just in case you’re not familiar with it, just a quick update.

I think I’ve reached the intellectual limit of being smart enough to know I’m not that smart. I think I have some talents and some talents. But when it comes to medicine, PhDs and M.D.s, who spend thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning it and making a living out of preserving and applying that knowledge, know far more than medicine. I believe. I would know And I’m not just talking about a faceless wall of nameless whitewashed professionals, I’m talking about family and good friends. neighbor. ex-girlfriend. All physicians or science-related PhDs are unanimous — no, petition— so that everyone can be vaccinated.

And you see, I’m a black American. My skepticism about our healthcare system is justified on the basis of my recognition of the profound racial disparities that exist within it, both historically and today. I wrote an essay in the New York Times last yearmy desire to prevent more infections, illnesses, and deaths is more force than cynicism.

With that said, I am also the parent of two small children. And what if someone took them against my will to get vaccinated? Let me just say that I was advised to do so.

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What you are suggesting is reckless, vicious and even criminal. 43 states require parental permission to vaccinate children. The age at which parental consent is no longer required varies by state and ranges from 15 to 18. But those laws are for her teens who want vaccinations, not adults who want to sneak a friend’s baby to the hospital.

Of course, if you think your friend is abusing your child, you have a responsibility to report it. But nevertheless I agree with you You’ve gone deep into the rabbit hole of self-righteousness about the need for vaccinations, and about your friends engaging in risky behavior, and you’ve stumbled on the wrong side.

I was tempted to suggest that you try to convince them to get vaccinated, but the active pandemic that has killed millions and the social distancing of not being vaccinated If all of the restrictions still haven’t convinced them, what am I not sure? Maybe an ultimatum, telling them you no longer feel safe around them. But I’d rather lose a friend than commit a crime and lose my freedom.

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