Home Fitness Ask a cycling coach: ‘What’s the most effective off-the-bike exercise for improving my max power?’

Ask a cycling coach: ‘What’s the most effective off-the-bike exercise for improving my max power?’

by Universalwellnesssystems

Achieving a “high” maximum sprint is an aspiration for many people. Whether it’s for the glory of winning a street sign sprint with your friends or fighting your way to a sprint finish in a race. Especially in racing situations, a high maximum power is often an advantage to easily react and finish off attacks.

With that in mind, cycling coach Alex Welburn explains the science behind sprint power and the factors you need to consider, and provides some practical tips on how to improve this area off the bike. Provide suggestions. training.

Performance cycling coach Alex Welburn is one of the experts to answer your questions. weekly cycling‘s “Ask a Cycling Coach” series (online every Wednesday). He is currently undertaking a PhD in Critical Power and W’ at Loughborough University, while also managing performance projects, coaching and consulting athletes.

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