Home Mental Health Artist beautifully illustrates the transformative power of turning toward fear

Artist beautifully illustrates the transformative power of turning toward fear

by Universalwellnesssystems

Fear is a fastidious creature.

When my eldest daughter was in her deepest agony of clinical phobia, her fear overwhelmed everything. She effectively became a hermit at the age of 16, and she was scared everywhere she went. Thankfully, we found an excellent therapist who taught her how to tame her fear, how to manage it gently, and how to disperse her fear instead of letting it dominate every thought. rice field.

Those who struggle with anxiety and fear understand how overwhelming it can be, whether it stems from trauma or abnormal wiring in the brain. Fear, anxiety and helplessness can make you want to run away or curl up in a small ball and disappear. But neither of those are really useful. In fact, the first thing my daughter’s therapist told her was that her avoidance always exacerbated her anxiety.

Instead, she taught her daughter to approach the terrifying voice inside her head. After all, the voice was hers, and she longed to be heard and understood. Ignoring it, avoiding it, or trying to distract it simply made it scream louder. “Maybe you’re right,” she said to the voice, even though she was afraid to do so. “Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re wrong. Just wait and see what happens.” It became a mantra in her own mind. It seemed counterintuitive to her, but it worked.

I can explain the science of the amygdala (the brain’s fight-or-flight center that acts on instincts) and why the “you might be right” approach helps retrain the amygdala to not overreact. I made it. But one artist has created a visual series that describes it in different terms that might resonate with those who have experienced fear.

Cécile Carré posts series of horror-themed paintings on facebook And they have been shared over 12,000 times. As with any art, interpretations will of course vary, but judging by the comments, people dealing with anxiety, fear, or unhealed trauma may find some truth in it.

The first image shows a girl curled up in a fetal position with her back to a large, terrifying monster looming over her, with writing underneath.

“every day…”

When the girl turned around to face the monster, the monster quickly ceased to be scary. Still big, still towering over her, but not terrifying.

“……i will try……”

As the girl walks towards the monster, her body begins to appear larger. The monster transforms into a mirror image of itself and its fear literally melts away.

“… to see…”

And become a child who jumps into her arms for comfort. Even that color begins to mix with her own.

“…and hug me…”

And a baby in pure need of nourishment was lovingly wrapped in her arms.

“…my fear…”

And… nothing. Where the girl was, there was a simple, sober little diamond.

“… until it completely disappears…”

Focusing on what you fear is neither simple nor easy. Therapy, medication, and other methods may be required to effectively treat mental illness. But this series of pictures shows what many experience when they stop avoiding it and start approaching the terrifying roar. Making the first turn can be very scary (I saw it with my daughter and it took a lot of effort) but watching the beast shrink and eventually disappear is an incredible gift.

Thank you Cecil Carré for explaining it so beautifully.you can Order her prints here.

This article was originally published on 03.06.20

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