Home Nutrition Artificial Sweetener Sucralose May Increase Cancer Risk

Artificial Sweetener Sucralose May Increase Cancer Risk

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Sucralose, a chemical found in the popular artificial sweetener Splenda, can cause DNA damage and cancer, a new study has found.
  • The study looked at cells outside the human body, a process known as in vitro.
  • Experts suggest alternatives to artificial sweeteners.

if you are trying refrain from sugar But I still have a sweet tooth, so I might reach out for common things artificial sweetener, like Splendor.and while reducing added sugar While consuming artificial sweeteners is often considered a “healthy” option, consuming artificial sweeteners can do more harm than good. In fact, new research suggests that sucralose, a chemical found in popular artificial sweeteners, can cause cancer and DNA damage.

This research Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Healthinvestigated how sucralose, a non-caloric sweetener marketed as Splenda, is potentially harmful to human cells. More specifically, researchers focused on sucralose-6-acetate, a structurally similar molecule that forms when sucralose is broken down in the body. intestine by intestinal bacteria). This chemical is also produced during the manufacture of sucralose and is found in small amounts in some commercial sucralose products such as Splenda.

The results of this study support a growing body of evidence regarding the harmful effects of artificial sweeteners. increased risk of heart disease and cancer. Here’s what you should know:

What does sucralose do to the body?

In this experiment, the researchers exposed human blood cells to sucralose-6-acetate, and the results showed signs of genotoxicity, the ability of the toxic substance to damage DNA.

In addition to its direct effects on DNA, researchers found that sucralose also damages the intestinal lining, causing a condition known as leaky gut. They also observed that sucralose caused an increase in gene activity associated with oxidative stress. inflammationand carcinogenicity – each may be an early indicator of cancer.

Sucralose is a universal sweetener for food approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is about 600 times sweeter than regular sugar. Jackie Newgnett, RDN, CDNplant-oriented culinary nutritionist, author plant-based diabetes cookbook. She is known to shoppers under the brand name Splenda for a variety of reasons. she added.

Is sucralose or splenda safe for daily use?

of FDA proposed The acceptable daily intake (ADI) for sucralose is 5mg per kilogram of body weight per day, or about 23 packets per day for a 60kg (132lb) person, says Nugent. “The ADI aims to provide an adequate margin of safety, but new research should give us pause,” says Nugent.

sugar substitute

Start sweetening with healthy fruits. You’ll get a nice sweet taste, suggests Nugent. “If fruits and fruit products are not suitable for sweetening foods, drinks, or recipes, we recommend natural liquid sweeteners such as date syrup, coconut nectar, maple syrup, and honey.” If you are on a low carb diet or counting carbs, this is not the behavior. Nugent also suggests trying zero-calorie, plant-based picks like: monk fruit again stevia sweetener.

Classic Monkfruit Sweetener with Lakanto Erythritol
Credit: Lakanto

stevia sweetener

pure beer stevia sweetener
Credit: Pure Via


While this new study certainly raises concerns, please know that this was an in vitro study (meaning it was done in a controlled environment outside the body). And further studies in humans are needed to make more definitive recommendations, says Nugent. . “In the meantime, if you plan to continue using sucralose, stick to single-digit amounts, such as two packets a day.”

Madeleine Haase photo

Madeleine preventionDeputy Editor-in-Chief of , she has a background in health writing from her experience as an editorial assistant at WebMD and her personal research at university. She graduated from the University of Michigan with degrees in biopsychology, cognition and neuroscience, where she helps develop strategies for success in all areas. preventionsocial media platform.

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