Home Fitness Arnold Schwarzenegger says the best exercise of all time is the clean and press

Arnold Schwarzenegger says the best exercise of all time is the clean and press

by Universalwellnesssystems

Arnold Schwarzenegger (left) in his playing days and a man holding a barbell in front rack position.Getty

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger said his favorite exercises are the clean and press.

  • “It covers everything,” the bodybuilding icon told Men’s Health.

  • The Clean & Press is an Olympic lift that works a wide range of muscles.

As one of the world’s most famous bodybuilders, Arnold Schwarzenegger You might expect to like classics bodybuilding movements such as the bench press, squator biceps curl.

But when people ask me men’s health The former Mr Olympia asked what his favorite exercise was the world famous Olympic lift. crossfitclean and press.

Usually done with a barbell, the clean and press are known as double movements. compound liftconsisting of first a “pull” (clean) and then a “push” (press).

For the clean part of the movement, move the barbell from the ground to the front rack position on your body and rest it on your collarbone. For the press portion, push the barbell up over your head and finish with your arms extended. and straighten your legs.

“If there’s one thing to do, it’s clean and press,” Schwarzenegger said. “It covers everything.”

Schwarzenegger previously said: deadlift When it comes to the most efficient exercises, it goes side by side with the clean and press. Insider Gabby Landsberg reports..

Clean & Press works a wide range of muscles

The clean and press is a complex, explosive move that takes time to master, so it’s usually not a move for beginner weightlifters. You can also do it with dumbbells or kettlebells.

A full-body exercise, the clean and press works a wide range of muscles, including: core, shoulder, glutes, hamstrings and arms. For this reason, this is a great method. build muscle In addition to increasing cardiovascular fitness and muscle endurance, very well fit.

To see Clean and Press in action, watch the video below.

How to perform a barbell clean and press:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place the barbell on your feet, a few inches from your shins. Hinge your hips and bend your knees, keep your back and arms straight to lift your chest, then lower your body and grab the bar with an overhand grip, hands on the outside of your feet.

  2. Keep the bar close to your body, work your core, run across the floor, and pull the bar up in an explosive motion. Once the bar has passed your knees, shrug your shoulders, drop your body, raise your elbows high, and catch the bar in a front rack position with your knees bent.

  3. Tuck your heels in again, use your hips to straighten your legs, push the bar up over your head, and straighten your arms.

  4. Reverse the exercise to return to the starting position. Lower the bar to your shoulders and then to the floor, keeping your back straight and core engaged.

read the original article insider

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