Home Medicine Are you taking the right allergy medication for your symptoms?

Are you taking the right allergy medication for your symptoms?

by Universalwellnesssystems

san antonio – As the number of mountain cedars continues to grow, the patience of allergy sufferers continues to dwindle.

Dr. Dennis Dilley, an allergist at Dilley Allergy & Asthma, helped us figure out which medications are effective for specific conditions.

Three legs for allergic reactions

1. Allergy medications can help with histamine reactions.

2. Inflammation that can be reduced with nasal sprays

3. Severe symptoms/asthma that can be improved with prescription drugs such as Singulair (a generic called montelukast)

Over-the-counter drugs

“These are primarily given to people who exhibit histamine-based reactions such as itching, watery eyes, sneezing, and runny nose,” Dilley says.

Decongestants are prescribed for nasal congestion, but people with heart disease or high blood pressure should avoid them, Dilley said.

Can I take allergy medicine twice a day?

“Studies have shown that you can take more when you need it. So if you have a very high concentration of cedar and you're taking one pill of allergy medication, unless you have other complications with your health, you can't take more than you need.” It's okay to give a second dose if you want. It's common for people to do that,” Dilley said.

pediatric allergy medicine

“For example, pediatric Zyrtec for children ages 2 to 6 can be given twice a day, so split doses are often more effective because the body metabolizes the drug more quickly. Allegra for children will also be administered twice a day,” Dilley said.

Dilley also explained that children are old enough to use adult medications such as nasal sprays.

“Adult medications can usually be started between the ages of 6 and 12, depending on the child's size. Steroid nasal sprays can be started at the age of 2. Sinusitis “It's something we often use in younger children who are more prone to. They tend to be more effective with nasal sprays,” Dilley said.

eye drop tips for children

Many people with eye problems can take eye drops, but parents find it difficult to get their children to cooperate.

“I usually ask the parents to close their eyes and lie on their backs on the bed. I put an IV in the corner of their eye and have them open their eyes, and that's where the IV goes. I don't want them to get confused, so I don't want them to be confused. Tell them what you’re going to do,” Dilley said.

nasal spray

There are many different versions of steroid nasal sprays, brands such as Flonase.

Antihistamine nasal sprays have recently become available over the counter under brands such as AstePro.

Dilley said both sprays can be used if people have severe or mixed symptoms.

Isolated headache symptoms

There are many people whose only allergy symptom is a headache.

“Those people are what I call packers. Their allergies are stuck in their sinuses. So usually nasal gargles and then nasal sprays are very effective. In some cases, You may need to rinse your nose with steroids to flush the steroids into your nose,” Dilley said.

He said people who primarily suffer from headaches may want to avoid histamine drugs such as Zyrtec, Allegra and Claritin.

“I usually tell people not to take over-the-counter antihistamines because they dry out the sinuses even more, which is usually what they're doing to try to combat this,” Dilley said.

If you feel like your head is stuffy, try rinsing your nose with saline and then use a commercially available spray. Steroids and antihistamine sprays are usually most effective when used together.

However, Dilley said Flonase contains alcohol, which can irritate the nose and cause headaches in some people.

“If you have inflammation, there are also milder sprays that contain an active ingredient called budesonide. Then, just pointing the spray a little further away from the center can help,” Dilley said.

The previous brand of budesonide was called Rhinocort, but it was discontinued last year.

Can I take allergy medicine every day?

“What if you're allergic to something all year round? Absolutely. In the long run, the only drawback for them is that for people who work in front of a computer screen, the chronic effects of antihistamines “Use tends to accelerate the development of dry eye, and that's what really bothers people,” Dilley said.

allergy shots

“By the time they come to us for the shot, they've already tried over-the-counter medication and are taking it consistently. They've usually been prescribed something by their doctor,” Dilley said. he said.

Allergy shots contain something you are allergic to. The dose is slowly increased to what is called the “maintenance dose.” If you take that maintenance dose for a long time, you will become less and less allergic to that maintenance dose.

Some people get vaccinated year-round, while others get vaccinated seasonally depending on their specific allergies.

Natural immunity does not accumulate over time

“We often get asked, 'If we're exposed to nature, why isn't it working?' The real reason is that the levels vary so much,” Dilley said.

In fact, he said allergies can actually get worse over time.

“The reason is that the part of the immune system that causes allergies is immune memory. The next year, they remember that, so it's even harder,” Dilley said.

please consult your doctor

If you have persistent symptoms or medical problems, Dilley said, seek medical attention.

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