Home Mental Health Are you a people pleaser or an avoider? Psychologist reveals the 7 anxiety archetypes

Are you a people pleaser or an avoider? Psychologist reveals the 7 anxiety archetypes

by Universalwellnesssystems

Psychologists have identified seven archetypes of anxiety so people can know which ones apply to them.

Birmingham-based chartered psychologist Dr Lalita Suglani, author of High Functioning Anxiety: A 5-Step Guide to Calming Your Inner Panic and Thriving, recently shared information on anxiety archetypes on Instagram. post.

The first archetype she lists is the caretaker.

According to Dr. Sugrani, “These people are often preoccupied with meeting the needs of others, sometimes to the detriment of their own well-being. They may feel responsible for holding things together and struggle to prioritize their own needs.”

Next, she listed the perfectionist, saying, “This archetype is driven by a relentless pursuit of perfection and may constantly strive for excellence in all areas of their life.”

According to chartered psychologist and author Dr Lalita Sugulani, there are seven archetypes of anxiety (stock photo)

“We can feel anxious when things don’t go as planned or when we feel like we’re not living up to our own high standards.”

The third archetype on the list is the overthinker.

“This archetype is characterized by a tendency to overanalyze and ruminate about past events and potential future outcomes,” Dr. Sugrani writes.

“You may have trouble making decisions or taking action because of excessive worry, or you may feel paralyzed by the fear of making a mistake.”

Number four on the list was Achiever.

According to Dr. Sugrani, “This archetype is motivated by a strong desire to excel and achieve success in many areas of life.”

“They may set ambitious goals for themselves and push themselves to the limits to achieve them, often at the expense of their own well-being.”

The seven types of anxiety

1. Caretaker

2. Perfectionists

3. Overthinkers

4. Achievers

5. Organizer

6. People-pleaser

7. Avoidant

Source: Instagram @dr.lalitaa

Organisers were the fifth type mentioned by Dr Sugrani.

About this type, she states, “This archetype is motivated by an intense desire to excel and achieve success in many areas of life.”

“They may set ambitious goals for themselves and push themselves to the limits to achieve them, often at the expense of their own well-being.”

Dr. Sugrani’s sixth archetype was the people pleaser.

She states about the people-pleaser: “This archetype is driven by a desire to gain approval and validation from others, often sacrificing their own needs and limitations in the process.”

“They may go to great lengths to avoid conflict or criticism and have a hard time being assertive in relationships.”

The seventh and final person was an avoider.

“Individuals with this personality type tend to avoid situations or experiences that cause them anxiety or discomfort and may resort to avoidance behaviors as a coping mechanism,” the psychologist said.

“To minimize stress, you may procrastinate, avoid social interactions, or run away from difficult situations.”

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