Home Nutrition Are sesame seeds a superfood? Health benefits explained by a nutritionist

Are sesame seeds a superfood? Health benefits explained by a nutritionist

by Universalwellnesssystems

“Superfood” has become a bit of a buzzword in the culinary world, mostly used by brands and influencers to sell more products with potentially empty promises. But there's a small but mighty contender packed with nutrients that can enhance a variety of potential health benefits and have a big impact on improving your existing health. balanced diet — Something you may already have in your kitchen pantry: sesame seeds.

The small, flat, oval seeds have a rich nutty flavor and are used in a wide range of cuisines, from various Asian and African cuisines to Latin American and Mediterranean cuisines. Additionally, sesame seeds have dozens of culinary uses, including grinding them into a paste to make creamy tahini and toasting them to extract their rich oil.

But its benefits go beyond just enhancing the flavor and texture of dishes.

The protein-rich edible seeds that consumers are accustomed to seeing in everything from salmon to bagels are actually made from the small green pods of sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum), which can be peeled off the shell. It contains about 80 seeds.

Although there is no clear consensus among biologists as to whether this plant originated in southeast Africa or India, Real Food EncyclopediaHistorians generally agree that it was first cultivated at least 5,000 years ago in what is now Pakistan and India, where it was a staple food for generations.

While traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda (ancient Indian holistic medicine) support the benefits of sesame seeds, especially during winter, Western medicine has yet to back up the same idea with scientific evidence to support specific claims. not.

Health benefits of sesame seeds

“Like other seeds, sesame seeds are a good source of fiber and healthy fats. Sesame seeds are rich in magnesium, vitamin E, iron, and are a good source of calcium,” The Ohio State University says Liz Weinandi, MPH, RDN, Chief Nutritionist at . Wexner Medical Center told “Good Morning America.”

Each person has different dietary needs based on their biological make-up, so before making any drastic changes to your dietary intake, consult your doctor or dietitian first.

“Sesame seeds are considered 'heart-healthy' because they are high in fiber and healthy fats,” says Weinandi. “They contain other compounds that may help lower cholesterol and improve blood levels of triglycerides.”

This powerful, fat-rich ingredient also contains nutrients such as copper, which is known to support immune function.

“The many nutrients found in sesame seeds, including copper, zinc, selenium, and B vitamins, support immune function,” says Weinandi. “Sesame seeds are a particularly good source of zinc, which is essential for the development of many immune system cells.”

According to , 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds contains 1.6 grams of protein. US Department of Agriculture“It's not a good source of protein unless you eat it in large quantities,'' explained Weinandy.

“Nonetheless, they are an excellent source of plant protein,” she added.

Incorporate sesame seeds into a balanced diet

Overall, when considering something worthy of the term “superfood,” Weinandi says, “Sesame seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients, but the downside is that they must be eaten in sufficient quantities and regularly eaten to reap their health benefits.” “Eat wisely,” he said.

“It's the whole eating pattern that matters, so if you eat sesame seeds along with other healthy foods, the benefits will be noticeable,” she says. “If you eat hummus regularly, you're probably getting a lot of benefits from the sesame seeds.”

For people who already live a balanced lifestyle that combines both diet and exercise, Weinandy said, “Eating healthier on a more regular basis is probably key.”

“Dosage really varies from person to person,” she said, referring to sesame seeds, adding, “As long as they're a healthy food, we recommend incorporating them into your diet daily or weekly as needed.”

Sesame seeds and oil are commonly used in various ingredient lists and are known as common food allergies.

In the United States, sesame is the 9th most common food allergy among children and adults, and the Food and Drug Administration has added sesame to its food allergy list. List of major food allergens last year.

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