Home Nutrition Are Olives Healthy? Dietitians On Their Nutritional Value

Are Olives Healthy? Dietitians On Their Nutritional Value

by Universalwellnesssystems

Olives are popular as salty snacks and add flavor to meals. If you like to enjoy olives on their own, in salads, or as a cocktail garnish, you may be wondering if these little flavor bombs are good for you.

Are olives good for health? Which types of olives are the healthiest? What exactly are olives? A nutritionist discusses the nutritional content of olives, their health benefits, drawbacks, and the healthiest types.

What is an olive?

“Olives are small, flavorful fruits native to the Mediterranean region.” Heather Hodson A clinical nutritionist at New York University Langone’s Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention told TODAY.com.

Although olives are flavorful, they are a fruit because they come from the flowers of the olive tree and contain pits or pits. “It’s classified as a stone fruit, like cherries and peaches,” Hodson says.

Raw olives are very bitter thanks to a compound called oleuropein, so they need to be cured before eating, says a registered dietitian. Francis Largeman Ross told TODAY.com.

“After harvest, the olives go through a ripening process that removes the oleuropein and makes them more palatable. This includes ripening the olives in brine or lye solutions, water, or dry salting,” Hodson said. says Mr. Olives may be sold packed in water, brine, or oil.

There are hundreds of olive varieties, including Manzanilla, Kalamata, and Castelvetrano, which may be derived from different olive tree varieties grown in a particular region.

However, the difference between green olives and purple or black olives is determined by ripeness. “All olives start out green and turn black over time,” says Largeman-Ross. Depending on the ripeness of the olives at the time of harvest, this will affect their color, texture, and flavor.

Olive Nutrition Overview

Serving size and nutritional content can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the size and type of olive, Hodson said. A serving is usually 5 to 10 olives (or 15 to 30 grams). According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 10 green olives include:

  • Calories: 58
  • Fat: 6 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 1.5 grams
  • Dietary fiber: 1.3 grams
  • Protein: 0.4g
  • Sodium: 620 mg

“Olives contain iron, copper and vitamin E, as well as small amounts of calcium and magnesium,” says Hodson.

“If you look at the macronutrient composition, olives are more fat than carbohydrates or protein,” Julia Zumpano, R.D., dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic Human Nutrition Center, told TODAY.com. “But the fat in olives is good, healthy fat,” she added.

Are olives good for health?

Experts say olives have health benefits when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet plan. Love it or hate it, olives are a small but mighty source of nutrients.

“Olives are generally considered a nutritious food and serve as a good source of heart-healthy fats, monounsaturated fats,” says Hodson.

“They are low in carbohydrates, high in fiber, and rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,” Zumpano added.

Olives are also naturally low in calories, contain virtually no sugar, and are a natural food, says Largeman-Ross. In cooking, olives can be used in place of table salt to add saltiness to dishes. “It’s great to add to provide additional flavor and nutrients,” adds Largeman-Ross.

health benefits of olives

The nutrients found in olives are associated with several health benefits. According to experts, eating olives may have the following benefits:

  • protect heart health
  • lower cholesterol
  • reduce inflammation
  • manage blood sugar levels

Olives are associated with improved cardiovascular health. Healthy monounsaturated fats found in olives“It helps lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol, while also improving the ratio of HDL (good) cholesterol to LDL cholesterol,” says Rajman-Ross.

Oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid found in olives, has also been shown to help lower blood pressure, Zumpano points out.

Olive fruit also contains phytonutrients that fight inflammation and provide antioxidant properties, Rajman-Ross added. These include vitamin E and quercetin, which have been shown to help fight oxidative stress and protect cells from free radical damage, experts say.

The nutrients found in olives may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

“Olives are a good source of iron and copper, which are important in transporting oxygen from red blood cells,” says Zumpano. She added that the calcium found in olives is essential for bone health, muscle and nerve function.

Although olives contain little protein, they are a good source of fiber and low in carbohydrates, which can help manage blood sugar levels, experts say. Zumpano says olives contain fat, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied and reduce hunger pangs.

Are olives as healthy as olive oil?

Olive oil is produced by extracting the fat from olives. Olive oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils to use. “Many of us associate olive oil with the Mediterranean diet, which research shows is one of the best dietary patterns to support cardiovascular, endocrine, and brain health. ‘ said Mr Hodson.

Olives and olive oil are both healthy when consumed in moderation, but experts say they have different nutritional values.

Compared to whole olives, olive oil contains high concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, Hodson says. “Think about how many olives you have to press to make olive oil,” Zumpano says, adding that doing so concentrates the nutrients and benefits.

Although olives can be high in sodium, Hodson says olive oil only contains about 2 milligrams of sodium per tablespoon. If you want to get healthy fats from olives without the extra salt, olive oil may be a better option.

“However, olive fruit contains fiber and other nutrients,” says Hodson. Olives are also a natural food, but olive oil is used in small amounts for cooking. If you’re looking for nourishment and sustenance, olives are the way to go.

“Both are valuable options for a heart-healthy diet,” Hodson says.

What is the healthiest type of olive?

Nutritionally, there is not much difference between green olives and purple or black olives. “I’m not aware of any data that says one type of olive is better (healthier) than another,” Zumpano says. However, different types of olives may have slightly different amounts of certain nutrients.

Green and Kalamata olives typically contain higher levels of some antioxidants (such as anti-inflammatory polyphenols) than black olives, Hodson said.

However, black olives contain slightly more iron. Some studies have shown that as olives mature and turn black, other beneficial plant compounds increase, Largeman-Ross says.

Zumpano points out that even more important than the type of olive is how it is processed and packaged. Healthier olive varieties contain all ingredients and minimal additives. Choose fresh or bottled olives instead of canned ones, Zumpano says, and pick them in a brine with water or a healthier oil like extra-virgin olive oil.

Are there any disadvantages to olives?

While olives are safe for most people to eat, experts say the downside is that they often contain a lot of sodium. “Depending on the ripening process, just three olives can contain more than 200 milligrams of sodium,” Largeman-Ross says.

Generally, this is not a concern for healthy people who follow the recommended intake of olives and do not exceed the daily limit for sodium intake (regularly 2,300 milligrams per day). american heart association.

But the sodium in olives can be a problem for people who need to limit their sodium intake, such as those with high blood pressure, heart failure or kidney disease, Hodson says. “It’s important for (these) people to check the nutrition facts label and keep portion sizes in mind,” she added. Always ask your doctor if you have any questions.

Is it okay to eat olives every day?

“Olives can be eaten every day in moderation as part of a balanced diet, but be mindful of their sodium content, especially if you’re monitoring your salt intake,” says Hodson. Masu.

If you’re already consuming a lot of salt throughout the day, “just keep it in small amounts,” says Largeman-Ross.

Hodson points out that olives are relatively high in fat and calories compared to other fruits and vegetables, so controlling their intake is important.

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