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Are lice on the rise? Here’s what to know.

by Universalwellnesssystems

Anecdotal reports of rising cases of head lice around the world have some experts sounding the alarm about a popular and ubiquitous activity among children and teens: taking selfies.

Head lice are parasites that live on the scalp and cause itching, and are usually spread by direct head-to-head contact, most often among children. And when people get close to take a group selfie, they often press two or more heads together to fit into the phone frame, which can give head lice an opportunity to crawl from head to head, as they cannot jump or fly.

Selfies “are an important source of infection,” Federico Galassi, a researcher at the Buenos Aires Pest and Insecticide Research Center, said in an email.

It’s not clear whether head lice infestations are getting worse. So far, that hasn’t been widely documented in the scientific literature, experts say, but anecdotal reports suggest it might be true. In parts of North America and Europe, head lice treatment clinics have reported increased demand for their services.

“We’ve seen growth across the country.” Krista LauerThe national medical director for Lice Clinics of America, a national lice-control company, said treatments at his clinics increased 18 percent in the 12 months ending in April, and sales of lice-control products rose nearly 20 percent.

Similar situations have been reported in clinics outside the United States. Shawnda WalkerThe owner of Nitowitz, a lice removal clinic in Toronto, said 2022 was particularly quiet, but business began to pick up late last summer and she’s seen a “significant increase,” and Lycee Squad, which has clinics across Canada, has seen a roughly 50 per cent increase in requests for service over the past year, she said. Dawn MuchFounder and CEO of the company.

“The same thing is happening in the UK.” Deee-Lite“Our customers are showing signs of war fatigue,” the owner of Hair Force, which has six clinics across the UK and is set to open a seventh, said in an email about the increased demand.

Clinic Owner Many patients seek professional help after home treatments have failed, he said.

Jennifer Rosa, who runs two lice-control clinics in Plymouth Meeting and Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania, said many of the caregivers who bring their children have already tried prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and home remedies.

“They’re not working, so they ask us for help,” she said.

Some experts said lice numbers in many countries may just be returning to pre-pandemic levels. In the early stages of the pandemic, cases fell sharply as most children were not allowed to attend school or daycare or take part in extracurricular activities. England, Argentina, Poland Other reports include a dramatic reduction in lice infestations among school children.

“We know kids are going back to classrooms, going to play, playing sports and doing the activities they used to do.” Albert YeungPediatric dermatologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Clinical report on head lice “We think it is not surprising that head lice infestations are returning to expected levels,” researchers from the American Academy of Pediatrics said in an email.

Ian BurgessThe director of the Centre for Medical Entomology in Cambridge said that while this could be interpreted as a surge, “it’s more like waves of water going up and down”.

But at least one expert is skeptical, saying that because many of the reports of lice infestations come from commercial lice removal clinics, the anecdotal reports could reflect a marketing effort.

Richard PollackPublic health entomologist at Harvard University We investigated overdiagnosis of lice infestations.Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania report that in their study, the majority of children presumed to have lice did not actually have them: Many had other types of insects in their hair, such as aphids, ants or beetles, from playing outside, or other sources, such as dandruff, hairspray residue or cookie crumbs.

Alternatively, other experts said, lice in some areas may be becoming resistant to over-the-counter lice treatments used at home, leading to increased clinic visits.

Sales of lice products in brick-and-mortar stores in the US have been declining in recent years, according to data from research firm NIQ. In the 52 weeks ending May 18, sales were down 1.5% compared to the previous year. Compared to the same period four years ago, sales are down 33%.

How can I get rid of lice?

Head lice are generally considered a nuisance and are treated with prescription and over-the-counter medications, home remedies, or by repeatedly combing infested hair. Experts say Combing alone isn’t enough to get rid of lice. Some people use hair conditioner sprinkled with olive oil, mayonnaise, or baking soda to smother or immobilize live lice. They then comb repeatedly with a fine-toothed comb to remove live lice and any unhatched eggs and empty egg shells that may be stuck in the hair. But many home remedies are time-consuming, messy, and may not get rid of all lice and eggs, some experts say.

in 2004 StudyThe researchers tested six home remedies on head lice – vinegar, isopropyl alcohol, olive oil, mayonnaise, melted butter and petrolatum – and concluded that only petrolatum significantly increased lice mortality, that the treatment was difficult to remove from hair and that none of the treatments stopped the lice from laying eggs.

Certain essential oils commonly used in South America to treat lice are effective, but with varying degrees of success. show Eucalyptus, pennyroyal, marjoram, and rosemary may be effective in treating head lice. the study In Israel, citronella preparations have been reported to be effective as lice repellents, but until there is more data available on the safety of essential oils for head lice control, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against their use. Said Essential oils should not be used by infants, children or adolescents.

“Parents should avoid topical treatments that have not been proven effective in treating patients with head lice,” Matthew Faragas, M.D., chief of the First Department of Internal Medicine at Hygeia Hospital in Athens and an adjunct associate professor at Tufts University School of Medicine, said in an email.

Most prescription and over-the-counter lice removal products consist of topical medications, such as shampoos, that are intended to kill lice and their eggs (also called nits).

The challenge with using over-the-counter topical treatments at home is that many people don’t understand the life cycle of lice, she said. Shelley TurcosOntario Pharmacist. These chemicals often need to be applied multiple times, including reapplication. 7 to 9 days After the first treatment, any eggs that survive and subsequently hatch will be killed.

“If you don’t kill the lice and their eggs, the cycle continues,” Turcos said.

In addition, research show Lice have developed resistance to many over-the-counter lice control products, which contain the insecticides permethrin and pyrethrins. A prescription antiparasitic drug known as Natrova is being used as an alternative treatment to permethrin in the United States, according to the FDA. John ClarkA pesticide toxicologist who studies lice at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Alternatively, experts said there are products that contain dimethicone, a pesticide-free silicone-based polymer that suffocates lice, killing them at all stages of development.

Food and Drug Administration approved Medical equipmentThe product, used by the American Lice Clinic, uses hot air to kill lice and their eggs in one treatment. Because lice don’t have heavy exoskeletons that protect them well from water loss, the hot air causes them to dehydrate and die, said Clark, whose lab helped test the product.

Experts urge caregivers not to use hairdryers to achieve similar results, as they can burn the scalp or spray lice onto others.

How can I prevent head lice?

Lice are a common childhood problem and have nothing to do with personal hygiene, and while there’s no surefire way to prevent them, parents should regularly check their children’s heads for lice, especially if they’re scratching their heads, she says. Kate KingPresident of the National Association of School Nurses.

Sharing brushes, combs, hats and other clothing is not a common way to spread lice, but King recommends not doing so.

Additionally, parents should encourage their children to avoid head-to-head contact, especially with people who may have lice.

Children with long hair may be able to reduce their risk by keeping their hair in a ponytail or bun to prevent it from mixing during activities that require close contact with other children.

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