Home Nutrition Are Greens Powders Good for You? What Experts Say About ‘Superfood Powders’

Are Greens Powders Good for You? What Experts Say About ‘Superfood Powders’

by Universalwellnesssystems

You’ve probably noticed ads for these “superfood powders” sprinkled across social media and your favorite podcasts.

athletic green, daily greens, super green — Just mix a spoonful of these multivitamin powders into water or a shake to get all the vitamins and minerals you need for the day, plus additional health benefits like a boosted immune system, the company says. marketing generally states: , less stress, better digestion and more energy.

Sometimes called “green powders” or “superfood powders,” they typically contain a jumble of vitamins, minerals, and other trendy ingredients like probiotics, powdered kale, chia seeds, and ashwagandha. is included.

But are they really a shortcut to health?

“They are very fascinating,” says Dr. Marion Nestlé, emeritus professor of nutrition, food research and public health at New York University. “You’ll think, ‘Oh, this is so easy.'”

But like most things nutrition-related, you’ll likely need more than a spoonful of the powder to improve your overall health, she said.

The ingredient lists on websites and powder packaging can seem like a salad of wellness buzzwords.

They usually contain the usual vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins E and C (antioxidants), biotin (or vitamin B7, which helps metabolize food), and vitamin B12 (essential for blood and nerve cell health). .

Many “superfood powders” also contain plant protein (such as pea protein or brown rice protein powder). Mash fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and kale. and supplemental probiotics (gut-friendly microbes) and prebiotics (which act as food for the probiotics).

It also contains botanicals such as ashwagandha, reishi mushroom, ginseng, and rhodiola (called adaptogens, said to be effective in relieving stress, generating energy, and in a variety of ailments), as well as dandelion root, rosehip, You may also find milk thistles. seed extract.

“It’s like throwing powder into the kitchen sink,” says Dr. Peter Cohen, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School who studies supplements.

If you’re already eating a reasonably balanced diet and aren’t deficient in vitamins and minerals, you probably don’t need to take a multivitamin supplement like this, experts say.

“Superfood powders” often contain far more than the daily recommended amount of many vitamins and minerals. For example, one serving of powdered AG1, manufactured by Athletic Greens, contains more than 550 percent of the daily recommended amount of vitamin E and more than 1,100 percent vitamin E. Percentage of recommended daily amount of biotin.

For the most part, the human body can handle these excess nutrients, said Dr. Gerald Mullin, an associate professor of gastroenterology at Johns Hopkins University. Kidneys will break down and process most of them, he said. However, certain vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E and K, can cause harmful effects when sufficient levels are reached, he added, although this is rare.

When it comes to probiotics in supplements, Dr. Nestlé said there is no clear evidence that regular intake of already healthy people will make them healthier. Also, prebiotic supplements may promote regular bowel movements and promote gut health, but similarly, the need for prebiotic supplements for most people is not yet established. added.

Many adaptogens, such as ashwagandha and ginseng, have been used in Eastern medicine for centuries for their stress-reducing properties. But high-quality evidence is lacking on whether it can stabilize mood or reduce anxiety, Dr. Cohen said.

“There are no clinical trials showing how effective they are, they are just informational products,” Dr. Marin added.

Representatives of Athletic Greens and Huell (which makes the Dairy Greens Blend) say that although several scientific studies have found associations between individual ingredients in their products and specific health benefits, said there were no rigorous, independent studies evaluating the health benefits of the product itself.

Dr Nestle says that when manufacturers grind vegetables such as broccoli and spinach into supplements and powders, some of the vitamins and other beneficial ingredients are lost in the process, which includes regulating digestion and clearing the intestines. It also contains some of the fiber that is essential for good health. .

Dr. Mullin said eating whole, unprocessed foods is a better way to get nutrients.

And many of these powders can come with a hefty price tag, with Athletic Greens starting at $79 for 30 servings, Huell’s Daily Greens version starting at $45, and Enso Super. Foods Supergreens Powder costs $59.99.

“Would you like some spinach?” said Dr. Nestle. “I’m confused.”

As with all supplements, the Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the safety or effectiveness of these greens powders, so we cannot be certain that what is on the label is what is on the package.

When buying supplements, it’s important to look for the seal of a trusted third-party certification program. United States Pharmacopoeia again NSFMoreDr. Cohen said the label provides assurance of the quality of the ingredients.

Experts say these powders probably don’t pose a significant risk to the general public, but they may not do much good either.

“You want it, take it,” said Dr. Nestle. “But that doesn’t solve the nutritional problem.”

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