Home Nutrition Are Frozen Vegetables as Healthy as Fresh? You Might Be Surprised. : ScienceAlert

Are Frozen Vegetables as Healthy as Fresh? You Might Be Surprised. : ScienceAlert

by Universalwellnesssystems

The rising cost of living is affecting how we spend our money, and for many of us, this means cutting back on our weekly supermarket shopping budget.

One of the casualties could be fresh fruits and vegetables. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) suggests Australians will consume less fruit and vegetables in 2022-23 than in the previous year.

The rising cost of living is likely exacerbating an existing problem: Australians, overall, aren’t eating enough fruit and vegetables. Australian Dietary Guidelines Recommended intake for people 9 years and older two Fruit and Five Eat your vegetables every day for optimal health.

But in 2022 ABS reports Only 4% of Australians met the recommendations for both fruit and vegetable intake.

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet. vitamin It is rich not only in dietary fiber but also in minerals.

Even if you can’t afford a lot of fresh produce right now, there are other ways to ensure you’re getting the benefits of these food groups, including by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables.


It’s often said that fresh produce is the most nutritious (remember the old adage “fresh is best”), but this isn’t always true.

Nutrients can be lost during transport from farm to kitchen and storage in the refrigerator. Frozen vegetables may contain more of the following nutrients than they actually do: Vitamins C and E Since the fruit is flash frozen immediately after harvest, transportation and storage methods may have some effect.

mineral Nutrients such as calcium, iron and magnesium are preserved to similar levels in frozen foods compared to fresh foods.

Another benefit of frozen vegetables and fruit is that you can potentially reduce food waste, as you can use only as much as you need.

As well as buying frozen fruit and vegetables from the supermarket, you can also freeze your own vegetables and fruit at home if you have some left over from your garden or vegetables are cheap.

a Quickly blanch Immersing foods in boiling water or steaming them briefly before freezing will improve food safety and quality.

Frozen vegetables are not suitable for salads, but can be roasted or steamed or used in soups, stews, casseroles, curries, pies and quiches. Frozen fruit can be added to breakfast dishes (along with cereals and yogurt) or used in dishes such as fruit pies and cakes.


Canned vegetables and fruits are similarly great to have on hand as they are often a cheaper alternative to fresh produce. Canning process Since it is a preservation technique, there is no need to add additional preservatives such as salt.

The cooking process can affect levels of heat-sensitive nutrients. Vitamin C etc. They have slightly less nutritional value than fresh vegetables. If you are using canned vegetables in a hot dish, adding them late in the cooking process will reduce nutrient loss.

To minimize waste, you can freeze any portions you don’t need.

Fermentation leaves most of the vitamins and minerals found in fresh vegetables intact, but it can also increase the nutritional value of foods by creating new nutrients and activating existing ones. It becomes easier to absorb.

Additionally, fermented foods contain probiotics that are beneficial for our bodies. Intestinal flora.

5 tips to help you feel fresh

While fresh alternatives like canned or frozen fruits and vegetables are good alternatives, if you’re on a budget and want to incorporate more fresh ingredients into your diet, here are some ways to do it.

1. Buy what’s in season

Based on the principle of supply and demand, it will always be cheaper to buy local, in-season vegetables and fruits rather than those imported from other countries out of season.

2. Don’t avoid ugly fruits and vegetables

Most supermarkets now sell “ugly” fruits and vegetables that are less than physically perfect in some way, which doesn’t affect their nutrient levels or taste in any way.

3. Reduce waste

On average, Australian households 2,000-2,500 AUD is consumed as food every year. Fruits, vegetables, and packaged salads are 3 of the top 5 foods Abandoned in our house.

Taking good care of your fresh produce can save you money and make you more profitable. environment).

To minimize waste, plan your meals and shopping in advance, and freeze fruits and vegetables if you won’t be able to eat them all before they go bad.

4. Exchange and share

If you have more fresh produce than you need, there are plenty of websites and apps that offer the opportunity to trade it or receive it for free. Local councils are also encouraging Each company publishes swap information on their website, so have a look and see what you can find locally.

5. Gardening

No matter how small your garden is, you can always Planting crops in potsHerbs, arugula, cherry tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries all grow well, and in the long run, they’ll offset some of the cost of fresh produce.

Furthermore, if you make an effort to grow your own crops, Less likely to waste.

Evangeline MantsiolisDirector of Nutrition and Food Science Programs, Certified Dietitian, University of South Australia

This article is reprinted from conversation Published under a Creative Commons license. Original Article.

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