Home Fitness Are Desk Treadmills Worth It? Here’s What a PT Says

Are Desk Treadmills Worth It? Here’s What a PT Says

by Universalwellnesssystems
W.I often hear about The dangers of a sedentary lifestyleSitting still for hours each day increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, which can lead to health effects such as pain and muscle weakness. Over 80% of jobs in the US are primarily sedentary.according to the American Health Association.

Under-desk treadmills have become a popular way to combat the effects of sitting still all day by getting up and walking (slowly) at work.

But are these desk treadmills really good for improving fitness, and is it possible to focus enough to get the job done while it’s actually working?

What does a desk treadmill actually do for fitness?

“A desk treadmill is better than sitting completely, but it won’t dramatically improve your fitness level,” he said. Dave Candy, DPTa board-certified specialist in orthopedic physical therapy, Moa 4 Life PT“You might consider walking on a treadmill. [while working at your desk] Be a “restorative” or “therapeutic” exercise, not a fitness exercise. ”

In other words, using a desk treadmill to be more active is great, but the pace you need to maintain while working out will be very low intensity. It does not necessarily lead to significant improvements in exercise. fitnessbut could be much better overall health.

“Slow walking improves blood circulation and prevents muscle stiffness. Walking on a desk treadmill changes your posture. Standing instead of sitting all daysays Dr. Candy. “Moving the joints in a weight-bearing position increases blood flow to the discs and helps the knees and hips to secrete synovial fluid.”

This lubricant helps keep your joints healthy and prevents stiffness. Also, because blood carries oxygen and nutrients to tissues, circulation is enhanced, which also helps to nourish muscles, connective tissue, and intervertebral discs to keep them healthy.

Using a treadmill desk can also help you reach 7,000 steps per day. Risk of cardiovascular disease and death.

Research also found That interspersed exercise during work hours can improve productivity. This is believed to be primarily due to the mood improvement that exercise brings. It goes without saying that physical activity increases circulation to the brain, which may improve focus and energy.

However, you probably want to hit the gym. “Desk treadmill walking does not replace the benefits of other workouts. Rather, it complements other exercises,” says Dr. Candy. “But if you don’t take time to exercise outside of work, it’s better than being completely sedentary.”

Tips for using the tabletop treadmill

The best way to incorporate desk treadmill walking into your routine will depend on your current fitness level, the nature of the work you’re doing, and other forms of exercise you’re doing during the week.

where to start

Beginners can start with one or two relatively short walks per day during working hours. “Using the desk treadmill for 10 to 30 minutes is a great way to change positions during work to refresh your body and mind. Ideally, he does it once or twice a day,” says Candy. recommends Dr. “You are likely not most productive while walking, so you need to balance health benefits with work productivity.”

how fast should i go?

“In terms of speed, most tabletop treadmills have a top speed of less than 5 miles per hour,” says Dr. Candy. “Realistically, if you’re walking to work, you’ll be walking nearly two miles an hour.”

Safety features to consider

Most of the time we multitask while walking, so we can’t always focus on each step. Still, you want to make sure you keep it safe. “Desk treadmills come in different widths and different safety features,” says Dr. Candy. “Consider buying one with a wider belt and an automatic stop if you get off,” he advises.

walking at work

Walking on a treadmill at your desk shouldn’t be too immersive, distracting, or a safety risk. Consider which tasks are good candidates for using a desk treadmill (such as taking a phone call) and which tasks require concentration (such as writing).

“Use the treadmill when you’re doing a job that doesn’t require concentration, such as reading a report or being muted on a conference call,” suggests Dr. Candy. “If you’re writing reports or emails to clients, it’s probably not the best time to get on the treadmill.”

Desk treadmills to consider

Sunny Health & Fitness Slim Walking Pad Treadmill — $300.00

This walking pad has a remote control that allows you to adjust your pace from 0.5 to 3.75 miles per hour. Shock absorption keeps your joints comfortable, and active use detection automatically pauses the belt after 5 seconds of inactivity.

Egofit Walker M1/M1T — $399.00

This compact option is just under 40 inches long and just under 22 inches wide, yet offers up to 5% tilt.

Goyouth 2 in 1 Under Desk Electric Treadmill — $390.00

If you want more speed after work, this treadmill will go up to 6 mph. Luckily, wheels make it easy to move around the home, office or gym.

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