Home Nutrition Are baked potatoes a good source of protein?

Are baked potatoes a good source of protein?

by Universalwellnesssystems

We know that potatoes are a source of carbohydrates, but as we discovered on social media, they are also packed with protein. According to hormone coach Poornima Peri, “Baked potatoes are proteinwith 8g of protein per serving,” but we weren’t entirely convinced, so we decided to consult the experts. Keep reading to find out what we learned.

enough Protein intake The numerous benefits include fat loss, blood sugar control, regulating hormone levels, reducing the risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease, increasing metabolic rate, improving absorption of vitamins and minerals, and increasing energy levels by keeping you fuller for longer.

protein How do you get your protein? (Source: Freepik)

How does cooking method affect nutritional value?

Different cooking methods affect the nutritional value. Nutrientswhich contains protein. When boiled, some of the nutrients are lost in the water but not the protein. When fried, the calories and fat are added but the protein content remains the same, making it less healthy, said Dr Rashi Tantia, head of nutrition, Metro Hospital, Faridabad.

A medium baked potato (about 173 grams) typically contains about 4 grams of protein, so a claim that a baked potato has 8 grams of protein is “high and probably untrue,” Tantia said. “The amount of protein in a potato varies depending on its size and any added toppings, such as cheese or beans, which may increase the overall protein level,” Tantia said.

Whether baked, boiled or fried, the protein content per serving will be roughly the same, “however, the overall nutritional profile may change depending on the cooking method due to factors such as the addition of fat or oil during frying,” says Tantia.

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Regardless of how they’re cooked, potatoes’ protein content remains relatively low. “Cooking them with the skin on retains vitamins and minerals that are reduced when cooked without the skin,” says Dr Nandini Sarwate, chief nutritional advisor at Utopian Drinks.

However, these are not the main sources of nutrition in the diet. protein“Baked potatoes make a moderate contribution,” Tantia said.

How much protein is in potatoes?

Dr Sarwate said potatoes are not considered a high-protein food. “Potatoes are primarily a source of carbohydrates, which provide energy in the form of starch,” he said.

Tantia said a medium-sized baked potato (about 173 grams) typically contains about 4 grams of protein, so the claim that a baked potato contains 8 grams of protein is “highly likely and probably untrue.” protein “The amount of protein in potatoes varies depending on their size and toppings, such as cheese or beans, which can increase your overall protein levels,” Tantia says.

According to Tantia, compared to potatoes, pulses (beans, lentils and peas) have a much higher protein content.

What should I keep in mind?

For daily achievement Protein requirementsA balanced diet should include potatoes as well as other protein-rich foods like dairy, meat, legumes and nuts, says Tantia. Prioritize high-quality, complete proteins such as animal-based foods (dairy, eggs, poultry and fish), which contain all nine essential amino acids.”

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First uploaded: 07 January 2024 18:30 IST

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