Home Mental Health Antidepressants and the Tangle of Treatment-Related Suicidality

Antidepressants and the Tangle of Treatment-Related Suicidality

by Universalwellnesssystems

from Psychiatry at its limits: Interview with Awais Aftab Dr. Martin Prodel, A clinical psychologist and psychotherapist at a public psychiatric hospital in Salzburg, Austria, his research focuses on suicide prevention, with a recent focus on the effectiveness of antidepressants.

“Overall, my view is that the evidence for adults is still inconclusive. But what we can say with a fair degree of certainty is that antidepressants overall… decrease Suicidal act. In other words, the claim that “antidepressants save lives” is not supported by evidence, at least for the average patient. This is surprising given the widespread belief that antidepressants effectively treat depression, one of the most important risk factors for suicide. Of course, one would expect a reduction in suicidal behavior, but research shows no such trend. ”

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