Home Medicine Ancient Wisdom Part 1: Why ginger could be answer to your constipation troubles | Health

Ancient Wisdom Part 1: Why ginger could be answer to your constipation troubles | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

Note to readers: Ancient Wisdom shines a light on ancient wisdom that has helped generations of people with time-honored wellness solutions for everyday fitness issues, persistent health issues, stress management, and more. This is a guide series to help you guess. Through this series, we aim to draw on traditional insights to offer modern solutions to health concerns.

Ginger has been used as a natural treatment for constipation for thousands of years.

Chronic health problems may seem insignificant at first, but over time they become serious problems, robbing you of your peace of mind and affecting your quality of life in many ways. Constipation is one of the problems that can drain your energy and affect your mental health. If you’re concerned about using too many laxatives, consider using ginger and hot water as a natural way to improve your bowel movements. know. (Also read: Dried ginger vs. fresh ginger: 4 reasons why dried ginger is better than fresh ginger)

Why ginger is perfect for relieving constipation

In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, many people rely on quick-acting solutions like laxatives, but as time passes and your body gets used to them, they can become ineffective or develop side effects. I will. Ginger has been used as a natural treatment for constipation for thousands of years. Ginger contains active compounds that improve digestion, ease bowel movements, and control inflammation.

“Ginger, a well-known spice with powerful medicinal properties, has potential as a natural and effective treatment for constipation. Its active compounds actively stimulate the digestive process and promote bowel movements. In addition to its benefits, ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties.” Antioxidants contribute to overall gut health and promote regular bowel function,” says Ayush Bharat. says Vaibhav Jain, co-founder of.

Ginger is a well-known spice with powerful medicinal properties and has potential as a natural and effective treatment for constipation.
Ginger is a well-known spice with powerful medicinal properties and has potential as a natural and effective treatment for constipation.

There are several ways to incorporate ginger into your daily life to relieve constipation.

Ayurveda recommends trying dried ginger instead of its natural form when it comes to relieving constipation, citing its benefits of balancing Vata and reducing bloating and gas.

According to Ayurvedic expert Dr. Rekha Radhamony, dried ginger has ‘snigdha’ or non-drying properties and is suitable for long-term use, whereas fresh ginger has ruksha (drying) properties and is frequently used. Not ideal for use.

1. Dried ginger water: Starting your day with a glass of dry ginger water proves effective in managing constipation.

2. Dried ginger powder: Consuming 2 grams of dried ginger powder in the morning with warm water can also help relieve constipation.

3. Pansome powder: The powder is a combination of pippari, ginger, nisos, and black salt. Consuming 1-3 grams of panchsum powder mixed with warm water twice a day can help reduce constipation.

By incorporating these ginger-based solutions, you’ll be taking a gentle, natural approach to improving your gut health and effectively managing constipation.

How to add ginger to your diet

According to various ancient Ayurvedic texts such as Samhita and Nigantu, ginger can be consumed both in dry (Shunti) and wet (Adrak) forms. It’s a common spice found in most households, so it’s easy to use.

“For constipation, ginger has been proven to be particularly effective. Adults are recommended to consume approximately 2 grams of dried ginger powder with lukewarm water. However, consult a professional to determine the appropriate It is important to determine the dose and method of intake,” says Jain.

“In addition to its anti-constipation properties, ginger has many health benefits. When grated and added to hot water or herbal teas, it soothes digestion. Ginger is also used in stir-fries, curries, and for added flavor and digestive benefits. “Salad dressings that enhance both. Alternatively, ginger supplements or ginger-infused products are also useful options,” the expert added.

If you are taking blood thinners, avoid consuming ginger as it may increase your risk of bleeding.
If you are taking blood thinners, avoid consuming ginger as it may increase your risk of bleeding.

What to do and what not to do when adding ginger to your diet

stop it Consume at least 6 grams of ginger daily as it can cause hyperacidity, heartburn, and diarrhea.

do: You can add ginger to your morning tea or smoothie to stimulate the digestive process.

stop it Consume ginger if you are taking blood thinners, as this may increase your risk of bleeding. Please consult your doctor first.

do Taking ginger and turmeric together can reduce pain and reduce inflammation.

Is ginger for everyone?

Although ginger has many health benefits, there are also certain situations in which you should be careful. Pregnant women and people who are sensitive to acidity should consult a professional before incorporating ginger into their diet.

“Pregnant women should consume ginger in moderation, as excessive intake can affect pregnancy outcomes. Additionally, people with Pittaprakriti or those prone to hyperacidity should consume ginger in moderation. Because of ginger’s warming properties, it can worsen acidity in some cases.As with any dietary changes, you should consult a qualified health care provider personally before incorporating ginger into your daily routine. We recommend seeking the advice of , to ensure that your personal health situation is taken into account and that you can enjoy the benefits of ginger safely and effectively,” says Jain.

Ginger has been around for over 5,000 years. Ginger has been around since ancient times.
Ginger has been around for over 5,000 years. Ginger has been around since ancient times.

Ginger Facts: Do you know some surprising facts about ginger?

Where does the word ginger come from? The genus name Zingiber comes from the Greek word zingiberis, which is derived from the Sanskrit word singabera.

Detox therapy: Ginger is an excellent cleansing agent and detox therapy due to its ability to reduce DNA damage from radiation and protect against industrial pollutants.

Ginger is not a root. Many people believe that it is a root because it grows underground, but it is actually an underground rhizome.

The ginger tree is over 5,000 years old. Ginger has been around since ancient times. Although its origin is still debated, India, China, and other southeastern countries value it for its medicinal and culinary uses.

next series

Did you enjoy reading the first part of our series on ancient wisdom? Part 2 will be published on September 13th where we discuss the benefits of neem twigs or datun to prevent tooth decay. looking forward to.

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