Home Products Ancient human DNA hints at why multiple sclerosis affects so many northern Europeans today

Ancient human DNA hints at why multiple sclerosis affects so many northern Europeans today

by Universalwellnesssystems

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ancient DNA helps explain why Northern Europeans were at higher risk for multiple sclerosis than other ancestry. riding cowherd People flocked to this area about 5,000 years ago.

The discovery comes from a large-scale project comparing modern DNA with DNA taken from ancient human teeth and bones, allowing scientists to identify genes associated with prehistoric migration and the diseases that accompanied it. Now you can track both.

When Bronze Age people called the Yamnaya migrated from the steppes of present-day Ukraine and Russia to northwestern Europe, they carried a genetic mutation now known to increase the risk of multiple sclerosis, a study shows. reported on Wednesday.

Yet the Yamnaya flourished and spread their subspecies widely. These genes probably also protected nomads from infectious diseases carried by cattle and sheep, the study published in the journal Nature concluded.

“What we discovered surprised everyone,” said study co-author William Barry, a genetics researcher at the University of Cambridge. “These variants were giving these people some kind of advantage.”

This is one of several discoveries from the first-of-its-kind gene bank, which brings together thousands of samples from early humans in Europe and western Asia, and is based at Cambridge, a pioneer in ancient DNA research. The project is led by Eske Willerslev and the University of Copenhagen. . similar research We've even tracked down some of our earliest cousins, such as Neanderthals.

Exploring MS using the new gene bank was a logical first step. That's because, although MS can affect anyone, it's most common among people of white Scandinavian descent, and scientists can't explain why.

The potentially disabling disease occurs when immune system cells mistakenly attack the protective coating on nerve fibers, gradually eating away at them. It causes a variety of symptoms, often increasing or decreasing, such as numbness or tingling in some people and difficulty walking or vision loss in others.

The cause of MS is not clear, but influential theory That said, certain infections can cause it in genetically susceptible people. More than 230 genetic mutations have been discovered that may increase someone's risk.

The researchers first examined the DNA of about 1,600 ancient Eurasians and mapped some major changes in the population of northern Europe. First, farmers in the Middle East began to replace hunter-gatherers, and then, about 5,000 years ago, the Yamnaya people began to migrate. The Yamnaya people traveled on horses and carts, herding cattle and sheep.

The research team compared ancient DNA to around 400,000 modern humans held in UK gene banks and found that MS-related genetic variants remained in the north, the direction the Yamnaya migrated, rather than in southern Europe. I confirmed that

In modern-day Denmark, Willerslev said the Yamnaya people quickly replaced ancient farmers and became the closest ancestors of modern Danes. The incidence of MS is particularly high in Scandinavian countries.

Why are genetic mutations that are thought to have strengthened ancient immunity later implicated in autoimmune diseases? Study co-author Dr. Astrid Iversen from the University of Oxford explains how modern humans are exposed to animal-based bacteria. “Differences in exposure may play a role in imbalances in the immune system,” he said.

The study's findings ultimately provide an explanation for the North-South MS disparity in Europe, but further research is needed to confirm the link, said the New York-based Mt. Samira Asghari, a genetics expert at Sinai School of Medicine, warned. Attached commentary.


The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Science and Education Media Group. AP is solely responsible for all content.

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