Home Products An expert trainer says these are the three best exercises for longevity, helping you ‘live better for longer’

An expert trainer says these are the three best exercises for longevity, helping you ‘live better for longer’

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IAccording to top trainers, they want to live longer. This is because strength training helps us to “keep vibrant, physically independent and disease-free in our last decades,” says personal trainer and founder. says Ollie Thompson. Welt Reda performance-focused health coaching company.

“In my opinion, the benefits of maintaining healthy muscles are very underestimated,” he says. “Resistance training is important not only for a movement perspective, but also for long-term health, not only to be physically strong and mobile, but also for maintaining overall physiological health.

“Consistent tolerance training supports cardiovascular health by improving metabolic function by improving insulin sensitivity, reducing blood pressure and inflammation, maintaining hormone balance and combating age-related declines It helps maintain bone density, reduces the risk of fractures, and strengthens and fights the immune system.

To build strength, Thompson shares three gym exercises that he considers most valuable if training for longevity is your goal.

  1. I’ve supplemented my chin
  2. Bulgarian split squats
  3. Farmer’s Carry

“If I define longevity as living longer based on my experience, focusing on being vibrant, physically independent and harmless in the last few decades, these are The top three gym exercises for longevity,” Thompson says.

When combined, it can strengthen upper and lower body muscles, improve joint health, develop balance and adjustments, and improve posture.

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How to do supplementary chin up

Personal trainer Ollie Thompson shows that he assisted his chin (Ollie Thompson/Welltolead))
  • Place the barbell on a rack that is almost chest-high.
  • Sit on the ground under the barbell, then reach overhead and hold your hands and hold them almost shoulder-width apart.
  • Leave your feet on the floor for support and pull your body up until your chin is on the bar. When you do this, consider squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly return yourself to the starting position.
  • Over time, try to provide less support to your feet to make your exercise more challenging, along with the increase in intensity levels. You can also perform this exercise using an assisted pull-up machine or resistance band.

Benefits of supplemented chin-up

Chinup has a somewhat scary reputation. But by supporting yourself with your feet using a machine, resistance band or a low pull-up bar, Thompson says it can scale to most fitness levels. Adding it to a regular routine removes many benefits.

Chinup is not only replenishing multiple muscles in your back, biceps, forearms and core, but it is also one of the best things you can do to develop a healthy set of shoulders.

“One of the main reasons I chose the auxiliary jaw was to chin at the bar and repeat it all the way to the top, taking all the movements off the shoulder blades,” Thompson said. says.

“I’m protecting my hands in the hanging position at the bottom [palms towards you]Create an external rotation at the shoulder joint while loading the luggage with arm overhead. This is a great way to maintain a strong, stable and functional shoulder.

“And more, this exercise cannot be beaten to train the strength of the grip. the study It is strongly correlated with healthier muscle mass and better lifespan. ”

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How to do a Bulgaria split squat

Ollie Thompson, personal trainer demonstrating Bulgarian split squats

Ollie Thompson, personal trainer demonstrating Bulgarian split squats (Ollie Thompson/Welltolead))
  • Take a step forward to a bench or sturdy surface around knee height. It’s far from this surface.
  • Hold your arms with a dumbbell or kettlebell in your left hand and hold your palms facing towards your body.
  • Keep your right leg long and your hips square, and place the top of your left foot on the back bench.
  • Lower your left knee until it’s just above the ground, and do this to lift your chest, then run through your right foot to return to the starting position.

Benefits of Bulgarian split squats

Chinup promises to strengthen multiple muscles throughout your upper body, and Bulgarian split squats reflect this for your lower half.

“As one-sided [single-limb] Exercise is ideal for strength and stability in the hip, knee and feet, and helps to rectify severe muscle imbalances while incorporating balance components,” Thompson says.

“It also challenges the recognition of kinesthetic sense, the ability to feel one’s place and movement in the universe. This is an important skill to prevent travel and falling in later life.”

These are some impressive longevity qualifications, and Bulgarian split squats have another trick to enhance it over a standard squat in Thompson’s eyes.

“I’m a huge fan of this exercise because when done correctly, it not only induces all the major muscles in the leg, but also forces you to extend the hip joint,” he says.

“This position in which the legs move behind the waist and midline tends to be significantly weaker with age. Development of strength and mobility within this range is important in maintaining movement quality and walking dynamics. It plays a role and may also help reduce back pain, hip pain and dysfunction in these areas.”

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How to carry a farmer

Ollie Thompson, personal trainer playing farmer's carry

Ollie Thompson, personal trainer playing farmer’s carry (Ollie Thompson/Welltolead))
  • Place the dumbbell or kettlebell in your arm with both hands and your palms pointing inward.
  • Keeps upright torso and tight core and walks with the weights.

Benefits of farmers’ carry

Farmers carry is a refreshing and easy exercise. Pick up some dumbbells and kettlebells and take them for a walk. This simplicity means something that is often overlooked, but Thompson says those who omit it have missed it.

“Farmer carry is the exercise I think I’m watching, and it’s not played as often as it should be. Here’s why: it’s a whole body movement with walking; Perfect for testing grip strength and improving posture.

“It provides a great way to build strong joints, increase hip stability, challenge balance, adjust and kinesthetic recognition, and ultimately put a strain on the aerobic system. I’ll do that.”

In other words, it strengthens your whole body, while also strengthening your heart and lung health. Farmers carry is a viable option for the majority of people too.

“Farmers are very accessible, easy to expand, and easy to track progress, so farmers often prescribe carry to online clients. Choose a challenging kettlebell or dumbbell, then choose a challenging kettlebell or dumbbell. , simply take time, distance, stairs, or breathing. This allows you to track how your performance improves over time.”

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Other things to consider when training for longevity

Resistance training is Thompson’s number one recommendation when exercising for life. However, he says cardiovascular exercise (activities that increase heart rate over a long period) should also be one of your top priorities.

“While cardiovascular exercise is of course essential for heart health, it also plays an important role in mitochondrial function, reducing the risk of major diseases and cancer, supporting brain health, increasing energy production, and sleeping Improve quality and manage stress.”

“A balanced approach to exercise for longevity, as well as resistance training, includes both low-intensity zone 2 aerobic exercise. [performed at roughly 60-70 per cent of your maximum heart rate] Short seizures of high-intensity training. This combination builds both a wide aerobic base and a high aerobic peak known as VO2 Max. This is strongly associated with better health, life expectancy, and reduced all-cause mortality. ”

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