On “Care Price Transparency Serves Patients” (Other Views, May 18): Dr. Michael Layne’s op-ed was excellent. The United States does not have a universal, socialized health care system because of the power and influence of insurance companies, the pharmaceutical industry, and other non-direct medical institutions. Their financial support for our elected officials ensures that meaningful legislation will never be considered in Congress.
When the Medicare expansion was proposed, television was dominated by fear-mongering ads. When Congress asked for Medicare and Medicaid permission to negotiate drug prices, the pharmaceutical industry ran numerous advertisements on television touting the loss of future research on cancer and other drugs, but they were wrong. It is a claim.
Pharmaceutical companies will expand wherever they see the greatest profit. It is well known in the pharmaceutical industry that research focuses on long-acting drugs rather than therapeutics. Patients need to take these drugs for a long period of time, so profits are high for companies.
Healthcare is driven by profit, not human needs. As a result, many people are in grave danger. Until the American people force Congress to act to curb health care costs by replacing insurance companies with the National Health Insurance Program (Single Payer System), where rates for all health care can be negotiated, we are too high performing. will be stuck in a poor health care system. .
Talbot N. Vivian, DHA, LFACHE, Yorktown
President Joe Biden has submitted a budget proposal, but Republicans have yet to begin the budget negotiation process. What is being debated is whether or not to pay the debts already incurred, but the issue has remained largely untouched since the start of the government.
Biden’s budget proposes higher taxes for citizens earning more than $400,000 a year. That means no tax increase for anyone earning less than $400,000. This includes most Americans. For a citizen who earns more than $400,000 a year, it’s only natural that they donate a portion of their income. You may not think so, but consider the following.
No one does anything alone. In fact, your ability to envision new business ideas and your ability to move forward depends on the dozens of people who support you. Employees, civil servants, infrastructure, colleagues, and your family all contribute to your success and progress. The higher a person’s income and promotion, the more people who work as hard as you for less, allowing you and your company, or you and your family, to keep progressing.
The idea that taxes redistribute your wealth is a misconception with big consequences. Since President Ronald Reagan, Republicans have argued that if taxes were cut, everyone would be better off. But it has never been proven to be true. Quite the opposite happens. The rich keep getting richer.
Susan Feathers, Virginia Beach
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The most effective way to deal with the current debt ceiling crisis is to remove the debt ceiling. Only one other democracy on earth uses a debt ceiling (Denmark), but the Danes use it much differently (and better) than we do.
Of course, we have to deal with the national debt. Our annual budget and spending process is a rigorous and comprehensive procedure that I can attest to in my 30 years working with the federal budget. Follow the rules and schedule and the job gets done. Derailing the process are some claims that they will pay for the tax cuts for the wealthy themselves. Join unfunded wars based on non-existent weapons of mass destruction.
Congress needs to stop talking nonsense about defaulting on the national debt. There are many bipartisan shared responsibilities, but Republican hypocrisy must be heeded. After voting in favor of former President Donald Trump’s three debt ceiling hikes in four years, Republicans have approved massive tax cuts for ultra-rich individuals and businesses, before slashing social programs. claim. Let’s make a change together.
Larry Stallings, Virginia Beach
If your income exceeds your expenses during the year, you will have a deficit. If a deficit remains by the end of the year, the amount is transferred to public debt. Shooting wars cost money whether you win or lose. Panic ensues when a default occurs. Stock markets can collapse. The unemployment rate could reach double digits. Social Security, veterans benefits, and military payments can be delayed or stopped. With the potential loss of Treasury officials and others, the three branches of government would effectively frustrate bureaucrats. Maybe people will steal money, hide it in mattresses, and run on banks.
Let’s face it, we must be prepared to raise taxes at all income levels and capital gains. Close all tax loopholes and reduce spending. Perhaps in less than a generation this country will be debt free.
Robert T. Neely, Newport News