Home Fitness Alternatives To Jogging That Burn More Calories

Alternatives To Jogging That Burn More Calories

by Universalwellnesssystems

Have you ever seen a trainer yelling at a group of people while doing sprints or sit-ups at the gym? I guess I was doing “Interval training was first introduced by him in the 1950s as a form of high intensity called sprint interval training, which is used to reach 100% maximum heart rate and improve performance in elite Olympic athletes. It was done.” Harvard School of Public Health“You don’t need any additional equipment because you can use your body weight as your primary form of resistance.” This means anyone can do this without needing a gym membership.

The popular version of HIIT, Tabata, is worth mentioning.This style, which is also used in training for the Olympics, is by Professor Izumi Tabata and offers an even higher intensity workout (according to Harvard School of Public Health). ). “There are so many versions of HIIT, but traditional Tabata training requires eight rounds of pushing for 20 seconds and resting for 10 seconds or he needs four minutes,” said trainer Daniel Sartos. prevention“On average, a person burns 400 to 600 calories in 30 minutes.”

But it gets even better! Through a phenomenon called “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption,” HIIT helps you burn calories hours after you put away your exercise mat. American Council on Exercise). Basically, if you want to burn fat while you sleep and spend as little time doing cardio as possible, HIIT is for you.

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