Home Products All you need to know about hypertension and why it is killing many young people

All you need to know about hypertension and why it is killing many young people

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Hypertension, also known as hypertension, has become very common these days and has claimed many lives in the country.

The effects of the disease have been such that even many young people have been forced to drop out of school after losing a bread winner due to high blood pressure.

But the bigger question is, what is hypertension and what exactly causes it.

This article provides some insight into hypertension, its causes, and the risks it poses.


High blood pressure is ramping among young people across the country, many of whom are unaware of their status. This has become a major health concern due to the surprising rate at which this group develops hypertension.

What is hypertension?

Hypertension, also known as hypertension, is a condition in which arterial blood pressure is consistently too high. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (MMHG) and is expressed as two numbers: systolic pressure (upper number) and diastolic pressure (lower number).

Blood pressure range

Normal blood pressure: less than 120/80mmhg

Blood pressure rise: 120-129/80mmhg

Stage 1 Hypertension: 130-139/80-89mmhg

Stage 2 Hypertension: 140 or later/90 or more mmHg

Causes of hypertension and risk factors

Family History: A family history of hypertension increases the risk.

Age: The risk of developing hypertension increases with age.

Obesity: Being overweight or obese is an important risk factor.

Lifestyle: Lack of exercise in diets that are high in salt, sugar, saturated fat, smoking and consumption contribute to high blood pressure.

Stress: Chronic stress can increase blood pressure.

Kidney disease: Certain kidney diseases can cause hypertension.


High blood pressure often does not have any specific symptoms, but some people may experience it.

shortness of breath
Chest pain


Untreated hypertension can lead to serious health complications.

Heart attack
Loss of vision
Kidney disease


Hypertension is diagnosed using a water sulfide meter that measures arterial pressure.


Treatment of hypertension usually involves a combination of medication and lifestyle changes.

What can you do?

Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about hypertension and the dangers it poses can help regulate it.

Regular checkups: Regular checks can help reduce the risk.

Medicine and Positive Lifestyle: Always take medication. This helps to remove excess liquid from the body.

Lifestyle Changes: engage in moderately intensive physical activity.

Eat a balanced diet focused on the whole unprocessed food.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Reduce your salt intake.

Manage your stress by engaging in stress-reducing activities like yoga.


Regular blood pressure checks and maintain a healthy lifestyle can help you identify and manage high blood pressure regardless of your age.


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