Home Fitness Aespa Members Get Honest About Their Struggles With Exercise And Fitness

Aespa Members Get Honest About Their Struggles With Exercise And Fitness

by Universalwellnesssystems

They denounced typical expectations from girl group members.

up to date hanbum YouTube series, Idol Claim Manager Huh The first episode opened with a very special guest, the four members of . Espa.The show’s name literally describes its format, and the host Heo Young Ji He listens to the troubles of idols and proposes solutions.

| @aespa_official/Instagram

The casual atmosphere of the show was often complimented by the pure idol known as aespa. The members seemed happy to voice their honest grievances, such as: SMEntertainmenthates having a personal Instagram account.

They also didn’t hesitate to break common stereotypes about girl group members. When Youngji pulled out a silhouette photo of a person doing yoga and asked who it was, Carina I shyly replied that it was her. She explained that the photo was taken while trying out flying yoga, and that her teacher had her do that particular pose.

When Youngji joked that there were times when he went to training and only took pictures in gym clothes, Nene I mentioned how flying yoga is difficult for them. winter While she said she felt like someone was twisting her leg, Karina admitted she once cried while doing flying yoga.

All four expressed dissatisfaction with standard expectations for flexibility in girl group members. Girl group member Youngji ( Kara), agreed with the guest that it was just a stereotype and that even she herself could not do such things as a split to this day.

Later in the episode, Karina expressed another frustration with her body. She wrote that her abs never showed up no matter how much she exercised, but it was her dream to build her waistline abs.

Young Ji provided a very creative and immediate solution. She told Karina to hire a make-up artist who specializes in body make-up to make her abs more prominent, and all four members burst into laughter. A kind host, she assured Karina that after the shoot, she would give her manager the contact information of her artist for such make-up.

sauce: Idol Claim Manager HUR

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