Home Medicine Access to drugs ‘should be a right’

Access to drugs ‘should be a right’

by Universalwellnesssystems
A South Otago woman who has to pay $11,044 a month for her cancer medication says access to life-saving drugs “should be a right, not a privilege”.

Jenny Wedge relies on the lung cancer drug osimertinib to manage her stage 4 lung cancer.

But the drug is still unfunded in New Zealand – it was among 13 cancer drugs that were dropped in the 2024 budget, despite a promise from the National Party before last year’s election.

The Clydevale resident was surprised at how upsetting the decision not to fund the drugs had been to her.

“This journey has been incredibly tough, both emotionally and financially.

“I never imagined I would have to go through so much just to get the treatment I need to stay alive.

“I believe no one should have to go through this. Access to life-saving medicines should be a right, not a privilege.”

As a nurse, she was familiar with the medical field but was unaware of the struggles of procuring cancer medication in an underfunded system.

She wanted to raise awareness of the situation.

She initially experienced flu-like symptoms, but her shortness of breath continued intermittently.

Despite diligent consultations with her doctor and numerous tests, her condition went undiagnosed.

By the end of January his condition had not improved and after waiting four months to see a respiratory clinic, Wedge turned to private healthcare services.

In early March, a CT scan revealed a tumor in the right upper lobe of his lung, and he was later diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

She did not work during the first 3 months of treatment but hoped to return to work in the future.

Even though she had health insurance, she was denied coverage for the life-prolonging drug osimertinib, leaving her family with $11,044 in monthly costs.

“We had life insurance with crisis assistance so that has helped.

“I think we’re luckier than a lot of people, but I don’t feel very lucky.”

“Some people just can’t afford to do anything and my heart aches for them.”

It would make a big difference to cancer patients if they could get the medicines they need without having to struggle or try to get them elsewhere, she said.

The recent budget revealed a planned $1.77 billion increase over four years for Pharmac, the government’s medicines purchasing agency, which will cover the ongoing costs of existing medicines but will not fund new medicines as promised.

Southern Cancer Society chief executive Nicola Coombe said Ms Wedge’s story was a stark reminder of the flaws in the health system.

“No one should face delays or financial barriers when it comes to receiving a cancer diagnosis and treatment.

“We are calling on the Government to provide funding to Pharmac to ensure all New Zealanders have access to these essential medicines, regardless of their situation.”

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