Home Nutrition Absolute Collagen supplement proven to reduce wrinkles

Absolute Collagen supplement proven to reduce wrinkles

by Universalwellnesssystems

Not all collagen supplements are created equal. The market is full of pills, sachets, powders, and gummies, but you can’t touch any of them. absolute collagen When proving your point. “We have delivered the largest and most robust project. clinical trial “It’s a collagen supplement like no other,” says Dr. Dave Riley, the brand’s chief scientist.

Not only did the brand put in the money (voluntarily), the results are undeniably impressive, earning praise from top dermatologists and trichologists. “We conducted a 12-week study with 130 volunteers between the ages of 40 and 60 and ultimately saw 100% improvement in fine lines and wrinkles,” says Dr. Riley. “People tell us what they see and how the products make them feel about their appearance. This is very important. But we have no randomized, double-blind There are also professional evaluators who perform many measurements in clinical and placebo-controlled trials.

absolute collagen

We spoke to Dr. Dave Riley, senior scientist at Absolute Collagen. G.H. About brand trial results

Share this year’s results good housekeeping liveDr. Riley ticked off important results measured in the lab. “Taking this supplement daily has been shown to improve hydration, elasticity, and skin evenness. It reduces wrinkles and increases collagen levels. It also reduces collagen damage. This really That was interesting. Collagen is a protein that exists in the skin for a long time, and things like UV rays, stress, hormones, lack of sleep, etc. all damage the skin over time, thus reducing damage and new collagen formation. It’s great to see such strong evidence of both improvements.”

Absolute Collagen Marine Liquid Collagen Supplement

Dr. Reilly and Absolute Collagen co-founder Darcie Wraithby not only provide an overview of the trial results, but also take questions from the audience and GH Beauty Editor Lynne Hyland to clarify some of the biggest questions about collagen I did. Here’s what we wanted to know:

What is collagen?

It’s VIP: a very important protein. “About 70% of your skin is made of collagen, and collagen forms the scaffolding matrix that holds everything together and stops tissue from sagging. As we age, collagen begins to degrade. Skin quickly grows back. You know that when you see them not coming back,” says Dr. Riley. “Absolute Collagen foam can stimulate new production of your own collagen.”

Should I start taking collagen if my elasticity decreases?

no! “You should start taking it sooner,” says Dr. Riley. “Collagen has been in your skin for years and damage has accumulated, so you want to get it in and repair it as quickly as possible. more likely to be repaired and maintained.”

Absolute Collagen GH Live Event

pete axford

Darcy Laisby speaks G.H.Lynn Hyland on Collagen

Wouldn’t gummy bears be easier to swallow?

Darcy says they’re not that effective. “When we looked at one of our gummy brands, we found we needed 65 gummies, which is the equivalent of one bag of Absolute Collagen, which delivers 8000 mg of truly high-quality, sustainable marine protein. It is the only formula that has been clinically tested.

What is the best time to take collagen?

You can take it literally any time of the day. “This product only contains collagen and vitamin C, so it won’t keep you up at night. The most important thing is to try to incorporate it into your daily routine. In our clinical trials, , it was shown that taking it every day is four times more effective than taking it every other day,” says Darcy.

Can I take vegan collagen?

According to Dr. Riley, vegetable proteins do not have the same collagen-stimulating properties as the marine proteins found in absolute collagen. Darcy adds: “At the moment, you can’t take anything like vegan collagen. Usually you take various vitamins and minerals to increase collagen. But ‘vegan collagen’ doesn’t necessarily stimulate fibroblasts. It does not produce collagen. ”

How quickly does collagen work?

Everyone’s journey is different, but Darcy says patience and consistency will pay off. Darcey’s mother, Maxine, co-founded the company after realizing the huge difference it made compared to taking collagen on her own. “Typically, hydration is one of the earliest signs that people feel, and this can take three to four weeks. In our trial, we performed clinical measurements at both six and 12 weeks. You can see some results by 6 weeks, but not as good as you’d see at 12 weeks. For example, after 6 weeks, wrinkles were reduced by 7%, but at 12 weeks they were reduced by 20%. ”

absolute collagen

pete axford

Mother and daughter duo Maxine and Darcy Laceby co-founded the company

Is it only effective for the skin?

Darcy says Absolute Collagen is clinically proven to improve hair health. “Collagen is literally everywhere in your body. In our trial, when we looked at the number of new hairs, there was a 27% increase in new hairs at the end of 12 weeks, which is really impressive. is.”

Won’t stomach acid destroy supplements?

Darcy says this is one of the most common myths. “Collagen is a protein, and the stomach’s acidic digestive juices are part of how we extract nutrients from food. They don’t destroy collagen. It’s part of how we break it down and get it into the bloodstream. That’s how supplements work.

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