Home Fitness A Top Trainer Ranked Quad Exercises From Worst to Best

A Top Trainer Ranked Quad Exercises From Worst to Best

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Following a video ranking of the best and worst exercises to tone your biceps, back, and glutes, strength coach and founder of Athlean-X, Jeff Cavaliere CSCS, shares his thoughts on quadriceps. We have categorized all the best exercises to build your . Worst and on his way. That means quad builders in particular, rather than moves that could be good leg exercises overall.


“sissy” squat

While this can be a great knee builder, Cavalier doesn’t rate the “sissy” squat in terms of what it can do to your quadriceps. “I never produce,” he says.

smith machine squat

“This is not the way to squat,” says Cavaliere. “I understand that the best path on the bar is vertical, but doing it on a Smith machine forces it to be vertical in an undesirable way.” have different joints and limbs, pointing out that we need to move our unique joints a bit to reach the bottom of a squat.


dumbbell drop squat

This is one of Cavaliere’s favorite variations of the squat, which he says is particularly suitable for beginners because of its simplicity. “The problem is load,” he says. “There is no load that a dumbbell like this can handle.”

goblet squat

Despite the benefits of this exercise, Cavaliere points out that the thoracic region is likely to fatigue faster than the quadriceps while completing the goblet squat. Failing this move is essential to building a quad, but there are limits to how much weight you can add.

heavy resistance bike

If your go-to cardio at the end of your workout is a stationary bike, that’s great, but you need to make sure the resistance is up to see results for your quads.

leg extension

leg extension causes quadriceps hypertrophy and It can be overloaded. However, because it puts a lot of force and tension on the patella, there are some potential safety issues for people with tendonitis or knee problems. Definitely for everyone,” says Cavaliere.

Better Still

leg press

This will help you build your quad as long as you do it right. Cavaliere recommends lowering your feet on the platform to increase knee flexion. no Use your hands to push your feet or push your body back into the pad to create leverage. Both of these are to take the pressure off the muscles that are trying to grow.

dumbbell step up

“As long as you maintain an upright position, this does a very good job of hitting the quads effectively,” says Cavaliere, both of which are required to master the grip and balance. added that it might be difficult at first.

Thread Push/Pull

Sled training not only helps to tone your quadriceps, but it also helps you burn fat and improve your overall athletic performance.

dumbbell spanish squat

This move not only adds a resistance band around your knees, but it also gives you the opportunity to load up your squat. closed chain”. You can also turn this into a one-sided exercise (TKE split squat) by wrapping a band around one leg and using a split stance.

almost the best

hack squat

“What you get with the hack squat machine is that the foot pads can adjust themselves to reflect the angle of your body and create the necessary dorsiflexion to create a more normal squat,” says Cavaliere. say. “By encouraging your feet to come forward, angling your body, and providing additional support, all of this creates a distinct squat variation that’s much more gentle on your body.”

dumbbell bulgarian split squat

If you have muscle imbalances, this unilateral move allows you to target one leg at a time without straining your back with the weight of a squat.

high bar back squat

“Having the bar higher in the upper trap positions your body more vertically as you descend into the squat,” explains Cavaliere. “This will get your quadriceps working harder. It’s the king of all leg exercises.”

Dumbbell/Barbell Reverse Lunges

“You can definitely do this exercise as long as you’re not afraid to do it,” says Cavaliere. Don’t forget to maintain your support base.”

number one

front squat

This “best variation” loads the quads more effectively and away from the glutes and hamstrings, but requires enough wrist mobility to do this with proper form. Is required.

belt squat

This exercise movement mimics the same movement pattern as the drop squat, with the added benefit of being able to add weight. “When building bigger quads, don’t miss the viability of belt he squats,” he says.

Philip Ellis is a freelance writer and journalist from the UK covering pop culture, relationships and LGBTQ+ issues. His work has appeared on GQ, Teen Vogue, Man Repeller and MTV.

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