Home Mental Health A Tool to Assess and Improve Your Self-Care Practices

A Tool to Assess and Improve Your Self-Care Practices

by Universalwellnesssystems

Incorporating self-care into your life doesn’t have to be difficult. It may seem difficult when you’re overwhelmed, but the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.

recently investigation1, Americans cited the benefits of self-care as increased self-confidence (64%), increased productivity (67%), and well-being (71%). Self-care also reduces heart disease, stroke, and cancer.a study2 Self-care has been shown to not only improve health but also reduce morbidity, mortality and health care costs. To see how we value our self-care, we must first look to self-love practices.

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Measure how well your self-care works with the Self-Love Wheel Exercise

Circle of self-love

Source: Alexis Neumann

this is A self-assessment tool that allows you to see your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to self-care practices. Feel free to print out the wheel exercises and share them with friends, family, clients or anyone else you think would benefit. I developed the Self-Love Wheel Exercise as a tool to help people measure how well they are doing with 16 Ways to Create Self-Care.

self-compassion: Self-compassion allows you to silence your inner critic, practice self-forgiveness and self-acceptance, and be the most compassionate advocate. It is the opposite of remorse and excessive guilt and regret. Create a state of mind that allows you to recognize your mistakes, learn from them, and stay on track.

Self-affirmation: Respect your strengths, talents and unique abilities and see all that you are beautiful and good at. Positive self-talk begins with self-care affirmations such as:

It’s worth making time and space for self-care. ”

“My significant other depends on how I take care of myself.”

“You cannot give from an empty cup.”

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“I take care of myself as a loving parent.”

Growing and Learning: Invest in activities, classes, and independent learning to help grow and develop.

nutrition: A healthy diet includes limiting sugar and processed foods, cooking at home, eating a balanced diet, and limiting portion sizes.

Hydration: To avoid dehydration, skip sodas and energy drinks and drink water instead. Proper hydration habits improve mood, sleep and overall health. of National Academy of Sciences, Academy of Engineering and Medicine3 We recommend that women drink about 88 ounces of fluid daily and men drink 128 ounces.

Physical activity: Physical activity is anything that moves your body.according to Physical Activity Guidelines for AmericansFouradults should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of strength-strengthening activity per week. Physical activity and exercise can be effective treatment strategies for symptoms of both depression and anxiety. .

exterior: Groom yourself with love and care to make yourself feel beautiful.

health care: Prioritize your health care by considering an annual check-up, dental care, mental health counseling, professional treatment or holistic care, as appropriate.

Moderate Substance Use: Avoid caffeine, alcohol, sleep aids, and other substances in your life. Moderation is key.Talk to a therapist or self-help group if you’re worried about addiction.

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Loneliness/Introspection: Prioritize time for solitude and introspection by incorporating stillness and quiet time into your life.

Connect with Nature: Embrace the outdoors, animals, or plants. the studyFive Exposure to natural environments was found to improve working memory, cognitive flexibility and attentional control, whereas urban environments are associated with attentional deficits.

sleepy: Make sure you get enough sleep and have the ability to fall asleep easily and stay asleep. National Sleep Foundation Guidelines6 Healthy adults advise 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

Leisure/Hobbies: Enjoy the benefits of activities and relaxation such as art, music and sports.

Time management: Time management is about setting healthy time boundaries between your work and personal life. Turn off your cell phone before going to bed and during meals, and don’t reply to work emails after hours or on vacation. Also, limit your screen time. Aim for a balance between connecting with others and carving out time for yourself.

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Home environment: Create a sanctuary of comfort by keeping your home clean, organized, and functional.

Finances tend to: Aiming for a healthy balance between savings and consumption, treat yourself within your means. Ask yourself, “Am I doing well financially?” Your bank balance is only part of the answer to this question. Money raises serious questions about self-esteem, self-image, justice, and survival-level fears. stress It can also negatively affect your finances. Being truly financially fit encompasses all these aspects of ourselves.

Create an action plan to improve self-care

Identify at least three areas that you think could be improved. How do you feel that putting your energy into that could increase the amount of self-care you do?

develop an action plan the goal Being SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) allows us to do better in these areas. Share them with an accountable partner, such as a therapist or coach, and set a follow-up date in two to four weeks. lead to new insights and connections that can help improve

Improving your self-care practices can improve your mental and physical health, job performance, relationships, and overall well-being.

Consider completing the Self-Care Wheel Exercise monthly or quarterly to incorporate more self-care into your life. you are worth it.

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