Home Mental Health A timeline of the Duxbury mother’s mental health treatment

A timeline of the Duxbury mother’s mental health treatment

by Universalwellnesssystems
Lindsey Clancy.
Lindsey Clancy. Facebook

As Lindsay Clancy’s case progresses in court, the 32-year-old’s defense is expected to focus primarily on her mental state, with lawyers and experts reporting a number of charges from days before she was allegedly murdered. For several months we have been delving into the details of her care and demeanor.Three children.

Duxbury’s mother was arraigned in Plymouth District Court earlier this month, with attorneys for both sides laying the groundwork for their respective cases.

Here’s a condensed timeline of Clancy’s reported mental health struggles and treatment, based on accounts from law enforcement, prosecutors, and her attorney.

End of September 2022 Lindsay Clancy began to get anxious before returning to work at Massachusetts General Hospital, her husband Patrick later told police.

Clancy was initially diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, according to assistant district attorney Jennifer Sprague.

Kevin J. Reddington, Clancy’s attorney, later said boston globe His clients were prescribed 13 different psychiatric medications between October and January last year, including those used to treat anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Patrick Clancy told police his wife was taking as many as four medications in one day, even though she was taking them exactly as prescribed.

October 25, 2022 According to prosecutors, Lindsay Clancy, who left detailed notes about her daily activities, mental state and drug use, wrote on her mobile phone: my first baby. And I know it’s not fair to them. i know that. Last night when Cora and Dawson came home from school, I was very depressed. We had a pretty rough night because I know it gets away to them. “

December 20, 2022 clancy is Women & Infants Hospital Center for Women’s Behavioral Health in Providence. Sprague says the psychiatrist tells her she does not have postpartum depression because she has no symptoms of postpartum depression.

December 31, 2022 Clancy said she had suicidal thoughts and thoughts of harming her children, which her husband later told police.

January 1, 2023 Clancy admits to being admitted to McLean Hospital in Belmont. Her mental hospital discharged her on Jan. 5 without showing any signs that she was a danger to herself or others, Sprague said.

Mid-January 2023 Patrick Clancy asks his wife if she still has suicidal thoughts. She tells him she isn’t, according to Sprague.

January 22, 2023 The Clancy family and their two older children have dinner at the home of Patrick Clancy’s college friend Kyle Carney. Carney later told police that Lindsay looked pretty normal that night.

Patrick said he wasn’t comfortable with Lindsay going back to work and had been prescribed medication, but it didn’t work in Patrick’s opinion. said he was struggling with benzodiazepine withdrawal and had the “worst side effects possible”.

January 23, 2023 According to Sprague, Lindsay Clancy notes on her phone that she has “postpartum anxiety” about going back to work.

Lindsay Clancy was arraigned earlier this month and appeared in court via Zoom from her hospital bed, where she is recovering from a suicide attempt that left her paralyzed from the waist down.

January 24, 2023 While her husband ran errands and went out to dinner, Clancy allegedly strangled her three children, attempted suicide, and was taken to hospital with her injuries, where she was paralyzed from the waist down. She was later charged with the deaths of her children.

February 6, 2023 Clancy calls her husband as she sits with Dr. Paul Seisel, a psychologist hired by her lawyer. She told Patrick Clancy that she heard her voice and had a “psychotic moment” after she left her house on Jan. 24. He asks her what voice she heard. was her last chance. Patrick Clancy later told police that his wife never heard the voice, nor did she use the word “psychotic” with him.

February 7, 2023 During Clancy’s arraignment, Reddington said in court that his client was still suicidal, saying, “She is very emotional, but she cannot and cannot express her joy and sorrow and tears. I couldn’t do it,” he added.

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