Home Nutrition A step-by-step guide to decode a sugar-free diet for your health goals

A step-by-step guide to decode a sugar-free diet for your health goals

by Universalwellnesssystems

Most people cannot resist their favorite desserts like ice cream, kaju katli and other delicious sweets. However, given refined sugar, empty calorie foods are potentially addictive. No nutritional value — For quite some time now, sugar-free sweets have received a lot of negative attention, but experts are now discussing sugar-free sweets and how effective an alternative it is if followed in moderation. We are paying attention to whether it will be a good product.

This led bariatric surgeon Dr. Aparna Govil Bhaskar and registered dietitian Maryam Lakdawala to write a book. Sugar-free sweets Not only is it nutritious, sugar-free sweets The recipe mentions the effect sugar has on our health.

So, I got a hint and indianexpress.com We decided to ask Dr. Aparna and Dr. Mariam some frequently asked questions about sugar.

How is sugar harmful?

Sugar, a processed food, contains simple carbohydrates. fiber, proteins, and fats are absorbed very quickly, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. “Our liver stores sugar in the form of glycogen. When the body’s glycogen stores are full, excess sugar is converted to fat by a process called adipogenesis. This can lead to increased insulin resistance. This can lead to further weight gain and can also lead to symptoms such as POD and PCOD. type 2 diabetes” Dr. Aparna said, adding, “Diabetes and obesity are like a pandemic.”

Too much sugar can lead to high triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, inflammation, and obesity, all of which are also risk factors for heart disease. “Today, Indians develop diabetes at a much younger age and suffer from microvascular and macrovascular complications at an earlier age,” Dr. Aparna pointed out.

She also said sugar is “addictive”, making it difficult to reduce intake of sugary foods and drinks, creating a vicious cycle.

How would you describe a sugar-free diet?

a sugar free diet This is a diet free of refined simple sugars, which includes foods such as sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, jaggery, refined bakery products, and white rice. As white bread or refined flour. It is a myth that honey and jaggery are healthier options,” Mariam says.

There are different types of sugar (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstocj/Freepik)

How much sugar-free is too much? Are there any restrictions on carbohydrate restriction?

Dr. Aparna explained that the WHO recommends added sugars make up less than 10 percent of total daily calories. “Ideally, limit added sugar Consuming less than 5% of your total daily calories provides additional health benefits. Different sugar substitutes have different safe limits for consumption. However, it is best to avoid refined sugar. It is also important to educate patients to avoid becoming too dependent on sugar substitutes,” Dr. Aparna said.

What happens to your body when you also cut out natural sugars, such as fruits and dried fruits?

Foods such as fruits and dried fruits contain fiber, antioxidants, and micronutrients in addition to natural sugars. “Cutting them out completely can lead to micronutrient deficiencies, constipation, digestive issues, fatigue, and low energy levels. Overly restrictive patterns that remove entire food groups from your diet , it’s not sustainable over the long term. It’s important to always have a balanced diet. Pay attention, listen to your body and adjust your responses accordingly,” Dr. Aparna said. Ta.

Are sugar-free foods desirable for everyone?

Maryam explained that sugar-free foods are preferable for people who monitor their weight and suffer from diabetes, dyslipidemia, heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, PCOD, etc. And people with an ideal BMI can enjoy sweets in moderation. Maintaining a balanced diet doesn’t mean completely eliminating treats and luxuries. It’s important to make informed choices and find the right balance for your health. “It’s always better to choose foods that contain natural sugars than those that contain refined sugars,” she said.

What are some easily found sugar-free alternatives that people can choose from in their daily lives?

Mariam listed sugar-free alternatives that are easy to find.

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*Stevia, a natural sweetener obtained from stevia leaves, has zero calories (use in moderation).
*Fresh or frozen fruit: fruit Berries, apples, bananas, pears, and citrus fruits are naturally sweet and provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
*Fruit puree made with locally grown seasonal fruits and dried fruits.Example: banana/date/fig/apple/berry puree

Sugar-free options should also be consumed in moderation (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

*Dried fruits are rich in natural sugar, so you can consume them in moderation.
*Peanut butter (appropriate amount, homemade)

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