Home Medicine A mosquito magnet’s review of the Bug Bite Thing

A mosquito magnet’s review of the Bug Bite Thing

by Universalwellnesssystems

If there was a popularity contest within the mosquito community, I’d bet I would win the first place ribbon every time. For some reason, the winged pests love to make food out of my arms and legs, and until last year I thought every summer that my body covered in itchy welts was my destiny. I accepted. How grateful I am to have realized that I was wrong. properly, insect bites. This $10 life preserver is the only mosquito bite treatment I’ve found that works. That’s why I’m writing this (spoiler alert) unapologetic and enthusiastic review. Take my word for it…especially with summer just around the corner.


This #1 best-selling insect bite remedy is completely reusable with no chemicals or creams.

$10 at Amazon

For years, people have recommended trying ice packs or calamine lotion to ease my pain. Believe me when I say I did. However, I found that the ice packs were only effective for a short period of time and the calamine lotion only made my already thirsty skin even more dry. So when I saw all the “hustle” surrounding an incident, shark tank– Approved cream- or chemical-free insect bite remedy tick tockI thought I had to try.

what is so original insect bites It’s literally sucking out any poison, saliva, or anything else that wreaks havoc on the skin that those creatures might have left behind. Swelling and itching are the body’s response to these irritants, so once these irritants are removed, the body stops responding. is not it cool?

test it

It sounds complicated, but in reality, this nifty tool couldn’t be easier to use. All you do is place the opening over the bite you are aiming for, slowly lift the handle and gently aspirate, hold for 10-20 seconds, then press down and release. Take it, Venom! It may take a few tries to start sucking, but it’s easy once you get the hang of it.

The first time I used it, I was amazed that I could actually feel the swelling subside in real time. And the excruciating itching she normally experienced was gone within an hour. was i dreaming? no! I am happy to report that whenever I have used it immediately after being attacked by a mosquito, it has done its job. which is the best? Fully reusable and easy to clean.

Since then, I always have it in my bag just in case (it’s incredibly compact and lightweight). It is more effective if used immediately after being bitten, so it is a good idea to keep it within reach. Oh, and there are 4 colors, so it’s nice to have the whole family together.

An author holding and using an insect bite

Is summer the season for itchiness and tingling caused by flying insects? Let’s inject a little sanity into the discussion. (Photo: Britt Ross/Yahoo)

more than mosquitoes

My bites are usually caused by mosquitoes, insect bites Designed to work on bees, wasps, flies, ants and sea lice stings. I didn’t even know the latter existed, and to be honest, I’m in no hurry to investigate. But I’m glad this covered it, just in case!

One thing to note is that if it is to be used by children or people with sensitive skin, I recommend going easy. The manufacturer recommends starting with the handle halfway up and only applying pressure for 5-10 seconds. Flip the cap over to a narrower opening to target smaller areas such as toes and fingers. If you find it difficult to successfully suction an area of ​​skin with hair, try wetting the area first. Avoid using on delicate areas such as the neck and face, as suction marks are likely to remain.

Opinions of other fans

I’m not the only one who was blown away by this little gadget. Amazon customers also have him with over 44,000 perfect reviews. Some of them said:

“Took it on a trip to Fiji,” wrote one. former skeptic. “I’m allergic to mosquito bites and large welts. After using this, the itching went away after a few minutes. Also, the bites didn’t turn into welts, so this is a big plus.” So…other tourists asked about it, so I was promoting it to everyone, and they bought theirs online as soon as they got home.”

“Great!” cried happy shopper. “Often, after the first puff, the itch is completely gone. This was a game changer for my son who gets bitten by mosquitoes even with bug spray on. Now he doesn’t bite.” It healed quickly, and I no longer scratch mosquitoes, bleed, etc. I’ve started buying it as a gift!”

“I got my thumb stung by a hornet,” said the man. verified reviewers. “I just remembered I had just got this little tool…I can’t believe how awesome this thing is! I did 3 puffs until it stopped stinging. I could see the venom coming out.” I still have a few, in my garage and truck! Highly recommend this, instant relief is a miracle.”


I’m not the only one who likes this. Over 44,000 Amazon shoppers trust it too.

$10 at Amazon

if you have amazon prime, of course, free shipping. Not a member yet? No problem. You can sign up for a 30-day free trial here. (By the way, if you don’t have Prime Free shipping on orders over $25. )

The review quoted above reflects the latest version at the time of publication.

First edition issued

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