Home Fitness A low-pressure, nine-step guide to making strength training a habit – The Irish Times

A low-pressure, nine-step guide to making strength training a habit – The Irish Times

by Universalwellnesssystems

I still remember the agony of hanging from a pull-up bar in gym class at school and struggling with the slightest amount of force to lift myself up. The other children seemed to be naturally endowed with physical abilities, but I came to believe that using their arms to answer questions in class was the best.

Still, I’ve been enjoying my physical strength since then. I took a weightlifting course in college and loved how building muscle felt. I discovered the satisfaction of being able to carry more than that.

Beyond the instinctive pleasure of feeling strong, I also recognize the health benefits of building muscle. A combination of 1-2 sessions of strength training has been found to not only increase lifespan, but also improve people’s quality of life and health. Numerous studies have found that resistance training is good for mental health. It has been shown to positively affect cognition and reduce depression and anxiety. Evidence also suggests that it makes our bodies feel better.

But every time I did enough strength training to see progress, my commitment eventually wore off, mainly because of the demands of everyday life. I have pursued the path of least resistance, both literally and figuratively.

So I asked exercise psychologists, scientists, trainers, and muscle evangelists for their best advice for starting a sustained strength-training routine. Here’s what I learned.

1. Start small

If you haven’t done a lot of strength training, or haven’t done it in a while, experts recommend starting with short but consistent strength training. Winfrey Corbell says, “Set yourself some small goals. Some movement is better than no movement.”

how small? Exercise scientists suggest strength training for 20 minutes twice a week, he 3 times a week, maybe he 10-15 minutes, depending on your schedule, needs and desires.

this is backed up by someone else Recent research The British Journal of Sports Medicine found that just 30-60 minutes of strength training a week can have significant long-term benefits, including a 10-20% reduction in mortality, cardiovascular disease and cancer risk. I understand. (Notably, the effect he plateaued after 1 hour and decreased at 2 hours a week.)

2. Start simple

Fitness marketing often tries to convince us that any routine worth doing requires fancy devices or specialized gear, when in reality very few do. “Strength training doesn’t have to mean barbells, super-heavy weights and lots of equipment,” says kinesiology professor Anne Brady.

Muscle-building exercises that rely on your body weight, such as push-ups, planks, and sit-to-stands (sometimes called chair-rises), can be incredibly effective when done correctly and consistently. Equipment can be incorporated at any time as it improves.

3. Accept that you are a newbie

Starting a strength training routine with little or no experience can be daunting, especially if you’re exercising in a gym or public place, or if you’re a more experienced exerciser. I have.

Many of us “live by the standard that we need to look like we already know what we’re doing,” says the popular lifting newsletter, She’s a Beast and the book, Liftoff: Casey Johnston, author of Couch to Barbell, said. She said, “It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to ask questions.”

Above all, learning proper form and which movements are the safest for your body can help prevent injuries and promote a sustained routine. Consider hiring a certified personal trainer to guide you through a few virtual or in-person sessions. Also, if you work out at the gym, don’t be afraid to ask the staff for guidance.

What are the advantages of starting from scratch? Your strength increases exponentially at first. “I think most people would be surprised at how much faster and stronger they are,” Johnston said. said.

4. Go early in the morning

If you’re like me and plan often Even if you do strength training at night, after 5pm you’ll be too tired to leave the couch, experts recommend making time early in the morning.

There is a reason for this. Research shows that the more self-control you exercise during the day, the less you need to feed at night. “So if you’ve been exerting self-control and were planning to work out in the evening,” it’s no surprise that you give in to the desire to eat vegetables in front of your phone or TV instead of breaking your stomach. Exercise psychology professor Elizabeth Hathaway says: “Self-control is not an infinite resource.”

5. Try “Temptation Bundled”

Need an extra push? Kelly Strohacker, an exercise physiology professor who studies changes in health behavior, suggests a behavioral economics hack called “temptation bundling.”

It works like this: The possibility of doing the latter by “bundling” something we love and look forward to, for example, our favorite podcasts and TV shows, gripping audiobooks and playlists, with challenging activities. can be increased. “Simply put these together, the initials ‘I don’t really want to do this, but I know I should,'” he says. The key, though, is to allow yourself to indulge in that particular pleasure only while you’re working out.

6. Wear (almost) whatever you want

If the thought of changing into a particular “athletic outfit” is a barrier to strength training, don’t worry.

“Wear whatever you feel comfortable with,” Professor Brady said. “The most important thing is that you can move freely through different ranges of motion.” , no need to buy special wicking exercise equipment.

7. Remember the goal is progress

If you have to miss a session, show yourself compassion, said Professor Strohacker. Strength training, like all exercises, is a long game, and the ultimate goal is to keep at it throughout your life, even if you fail along the way.

“Our culture strongly pushes this narrative of ‘if you really want to do it, you can do it,'” she said. “This is a huge oversimplification.” Her life happens. She added that research shows that the true path to longevity and consistency in any activity is to “enjoy it and feel a sense of accomplishment.” This will be easier if you find a way to pick yourself back up when you veer off course.

8. Consider working out on the couch

If the desire to spend time on your couch is overwhelming you, make it work. Use it as equipment to facilitate your workout.

According to Professor Brady, a couch allows you to do sit-to-stand exercises. You can turn around and do push-ups or planks.

Or, if you prefer to watch TV while working from your couch, pick a show with ad breaks and try the Ad Break Challenge. Alternatively, place hand weights by your side and lift until the program returns. Make sure you can maintain good posture and form.

“I don’t want to move my back like a shrimp,” she said. But if she can “keep her hips in place, her spine in line, her shoulders back and her feet touching the ground,” there’s a lot she can do on the couch.

9. Try this 20 minute starter routine

Ready to get started? Professor Brady recommends starting with this basic strength-building routine. The only tools you need are your own body and a set of resistance bands.

Complete each exercise 10 to 15 times in turn, then come back and do the second set again. Exercise should alternate between muscle groups and be done at moderate intensity.

  • Push-ups (or modified push-ups)
  • squat
  • Seated rows with resistance bands
  • groot bridge
  • Overhead press with resistance bands
  • bird dog
  • Pulldowns with resistance bands

— this article was originally written at new york times

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