Home Fitness A little exercise counters depression in people with chronic conditions, study finds

A little exercise counters depression in people with chronic conditions, study finds

by Universalwellnesssystems


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Minimum 20 minutes moderate activity For people over the age of 50 with conditions often associated with depression, such as diabetes, heart disease, and chronic pain, taking five days a week significantly reduces the risk of depressive symptoms. A new study finds that it is possible.

people with diabetes are double the risk According to the British Diabetes Association, for depression, 2017 survey People with heart disease were found to be twice as likely to die if they developed depression after diagnosis. Another study found that up to 85% of people with chronic pain experience severe depression. 2017 study.

However, people without chronic diseases who participated in the study were required to receive moderate to moderate treatment. strenuous exercise Two hours a day to see improvement in symptoms of depression, according to the study’s lead author Eamon Laird, Researcher Physical Activity Research Center for Health at the University of Limerick, Ireland.

Moderate physical activity is usually defined as activity that:take your breath awayIt’s hard to talk while doing it. Examples include brisk walking, bicycling, dancing, playing tennis, and climbing stairs. If your exercise level increases to strenuous exercise, such as jogging or running, where your breathing is rapid and your heart rate is rising, you may spend less time exercising. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“What is unique about[this study]is that it is the first and largest study of a longitudinal cohort that seeks to elucidate the lowest dose to observe differences in depression with and without chronic disease.” Laird said.

“Although we do not advocate reduced activity levels in any population, these findings suggest that even lower than recommended doses are sufficient to protect the mental health of older adults over the long term. It suggests that it is possible,” he added. “Many older people may find it difficult to perform physical activity for a variety of reasons, so these doses may be more achievable.”

The study, published Monday in JAMA Network Open, followed more than 4,000 Irish adults, with an average age of 61, for 10 years. Participants who participated in A longitudinal study of aging in Ireland, was evaluated every two years. They were asked about their physical activity and exercise levels and underwent tests to determine the number of symptoms of depression they exhibited. If symptoms were excessive, they were classified as major depression.

“Examples of symptoms on the questionnaire include: I had trouble staying aware of what I was doing. My sleep was restless. Family and friends. I felt that I could not get rid of my depressed feelings even with the help of.. etc.,” Laird said in an email.

Those who suffered a major depressive episode in the previous 12 months were also classified into the major depressive group. An episode is defined as a period lasting 2 weeks or longer during which she experienced fatigue, sadness or hopelessness, loss of interest in activities or sleep problems, weight gain or loss, or suicidal thoughts.

The study found that the more time people spend exercising, the better. The study found that people who exercised moderately for 20 minutes a day, five days a week, had a 16 percent lower risk of developing depressive symptoms and a 43 percent lower risk of major depression than those who did not exercise. .

The study found that those who exercised two hours a day had the greatest benefit, with a 23% reduction in depression symptoms and a 49% reduction in the risk of major depression.

“The more physical activity you do, the greater the mental health benefits for depression,” says Larid.

Unfortunately, depression rates across the group rose from an average of 8% to 12% over the decade, and antidepressant use increased from about 6% to 10%. However, the motility rate in this group also decreased by approximately 10% during the study period.

Lalid said the findings aren’t surprising, pointing to extensive past research that has shown a strong link between exercise and depression relief.Systematic review and meta-analysis Published in 2022 It was found that brisk walking for just 2.5 hours a week reduced symptoms of depression by 25%. The same study also found that consuming half that amount reduced the risk of depression by 18%.

another great review published in february Physical activity was 1.5 times more effective than antidepressants and cognitive-behavioral therapy, considered the gold standard treatment, in reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of mild to moderate depression. I found

Exercise not only relieves depression, but it is also beneficial for a person’s health. It keeps your body in top shape, works efficiently, and increases its ability to ward off all kinds of diseases.

“Physical activity is really great,” said Dr. Andrew Freeman, director of cardiovascular prevention and health at the National Jewish Medical Center in Denver, Colorado. In a pre-interview with CNN.

“When you combine eating a more plant-based diet, de-stressing, getting enough sleep, and connecting with others, it becomes a magical recipe,” he added. “This is the Fountain of Youth, so to speak.”

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