Home Fitness A lack of sleep blocks brain-boosting benefits from exercise, study says

A lack of sleep blocks brain-boosting benefits from exercise, study says

by Universalwellnesssystems

Editor’s note: Apply CNN’s Sleep, But Better newsletter series. A 7-part guide with helpful tips to help you sleep better.


One of the most important ways to keep your body fit is to exercise. Exercise has been proven to help prevent it. chronic diseases, prolong lifeavoid dementiaslow cognitive decline etc.

But sleep duration may be just as important, at least when it comes to exercise benefits and age-related brain function.

In a new study, researchers found that people who averaged less than six hours of sleep and engaged in more frequent high-intensity physical activity experienced faster overall cognitive decline than short sleepers who exercised less often. I found

“Our study suggests that adequate sleep may be required to reap the full cognitive benefits of physical activity,” said lead author of the University College London Department of Epidemiology. said Dr. Michaela Bloomberg, a researcher at the Institute for Health Care.

“It shows how important it is to think of sleep and physical activity together when thinking about cognitive health,” she said in a statement.

Researchers followed nearly 9,000 adults who participated in the movement for more than a decade. Longitudinal Study of Aging in English, a longitudinal study in people aged 50 and over, funded by the UK Government and the US National Institute on Aging. In addition to the initial work-up, participants undergo follow-up interviews and cognitive tests every two years.

People with a diagnosis of dementia or test scores suggestive of cognitive decline were excluded from the study. published on wednesday It was published in the Lancet Health and Longevity Journal.

build on evidence from Previous research, A new study finds that people who have high levels of physical activity and get six to eight hours of sleep each night have better cognitive function as they age.

at the same time, less physical activity and bad sleep was independently associated with cognitive decline over time. Additionally, getting less than 6 hours of sleep each night was associated with a faster rate of cognitive decline over time.

The most physically active group in the study were young and lean at baseline, were married or had a partner, were less likely to smoke, drink alcohol, or suffer from chronic depression or illness, and were the most active had higher levels of education and wealth than groups that did not.

Despite these benefits, 10 years later, highly active people in their 50s and 60s who averaged less than 6 hours of sleep lost the benefits of exercise. They declined more rapidly and had cognitive levels similar to those who were sleep deprived. I need to exercise.

“We were surprised that regular physical activity may not always be enough to counteract the long-term effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive health,” Bloomberg said.

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Getting less than 6 hours of sleep can be detrimental to your health in a number of ways.

Moreover, physically active short sleepers in their 50s and 60s experienced a more rapid cognitive decline compared to good sleepers, but only by a certain age. For people over 70, the brain benefits of exercise were maintained even with less sleep.

“By age 70, the cognitive benefits associated with higher physical activity were maintained over a 10-year follow-up period,” the authors said, without explaining why.

“Our results suggest the importance of considering physical activity and sleep together. Complex combinations of these factors may influence cognitive trajectories after age 50.” Because there is,” the authors conclude.

that is myth In today’s stress-filled world, everything has to be done. We can live with him sleeping less than 6 hours a night. But in fact short sleep gene have that ability.

For most of us, getting less than six hours of sleep a night does more than just our brains.Short sleepers have five times the benefits increased risk of stroke When combined with other common conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, double the risk of heart disease and death.

If you’re out of options and aren’t getting the optimal amount of sleep, it may be time to reconsider that decision. Experts say it’s important to see a sleep specialist if you suffer from insomnia, sleep apnea, or other sleep disorders.In the meantime here are some Healthy sleep habits you’ll want to try too.

beginning, forget sleeping pills. Experts say they only mask problems and can be dangerously addictive. Instead, focus on sleep hygiene. Change your sleep environment.

Stay cool in the bedroom. 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal for good sleep. Do not watch TV or work in your bedroom. You want your brain to think the room is just for sleeping.

ban all lights including blue light from mobile phones and laptopssignals the body to wake up.

Rethink afternoon coffee and nightcaps. use alcohol for sleep I wake up within hours and when I go back to sleep it is usually of poor quality.

According to experts, one of the most important things to do is sleep schedule and stick to it. Your brain needs to be trained to go to bed at a certain time and wake up at a certain time every day, including weekends.

and the golden rule of sleep?Don’t lie in bed without falling asleep.? If you can’t fall asleep 15-20 minutes after banging your head against the pillow, get up and go to another dimly lit room. Don’t turn on the TV, look at your phone or laptop, and do something without thinking, like folding the laundry. When I get sleepy, I go back to bed.

please do not worry. So no one falls asleep. keep training your brainand responds with some desired z .

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