Home Products A 24-year-old says she ‘ignored’ her bloating and stomach pain until it got so bad she went to the ER. Doctors diagnosed her with ovarian cancer.

A 24-year-old says she ‘ignored’ her bloating and stomach pain until it got so bad she went to the ER. Doctors diagnosed her with ovarian cancer.

by Universalwellnesssystems

Doctors arranged an ultrasound scan for Chloe Etheridge (not pictured). As a result, she was found to have two tumors on her ovaries.Getty Images

  • A 24-year-old woman found out she had ovarian cancer after going to the ER with severe stomach pains.

  • Doctors arranged an ultrasound scan and found two tumors on Chloe Etheridge’s ovaries.

  • Etheridge told SWNS that she had “ignored” her pain for months because she didn’t know cancer could cause pain.

A 24-year-old woman who had “ignored” bloating and stomach pain for months was diagnosed with a rare type of ovarian cancer, According to reports.

Chloe Ethridge, from the UK, first experienced bloating When stomach ache December 2021. South West News Service.

The doctor arranged an ultrasound scan. tumor to her ovaries. One was seven inches long and the other was about four inches long, she told SWNS.

“I don’t think young women know the symptoms of ovarian cancer.”

Three months later, on July 11, 2022, doctors told Etheridge she had germ cell ovarian cancer. National Institutes of Health Center for Genetic and Rare Disease Information.

In general, ovarian cancer is diagnosed more often after menopause, and rarely in people under the age of 40. develop the disease, according to American Cancer Society. An estimated 19,710 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed in the United States in 2023, and approximately 13,270 women will die from the disease.

Affecting fewer than 1,000 people in the United States, symptoms of germ cell ovarian cancer include a pelvic mass, fever, vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain, GARD said.

Symptoms of other types of ovarian cancer include pelvic or back pain, bloating, and fullness. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Other conditions can cause these symptoms, but “the only way to know is to talk to your doctor, nurse, or other health care professional,” says the CDC.

Etheridge told SWNS that she ignored her symptoms because she didn’t realize they could be caused by cancer. “I don’t think young women know the symptoms of ovarian cancer,” she said.

Chemo was ‘brutal’

Treatment of ovarian cancer depends on the type of cancer and how far it has spread, and may include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and surgery. Etheridge started chemotherapy the day after she was diagnosed and continued for six months.

“It was incredibly brutal. My chemo had seven different chemical components. The side effects were horrible, nausea, fatigue, hearing loss. hmm,” she said.

Etheridge underwent surgery on January 11 to try to remove as much of the tumor as possible.

She told SWNS that the surgery went “really well” and that she is “expected to make a full recovery.”

According to ACSgerm cell ovarian tumors often have a ‘favorable prognosis’, with more than 90% of patients surviving more than 5 years after diagnosis.

Etheridge shared her story to raise awareness.

Read the original article at business insider

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