Home Fitness A 15-Minute Pilates Workout for the Glutes and Abs

A 15-Minute Pilates Workout for the Glutes and Abs

by Universalwellnesssystems
L.Looking for a solid workout to tone your glutes and abs? good move, East River Pilates Instructor Brian Spencer It offers viewers a core workout and (to use Spencer’s words) “juicy” stretches. This 15-minute Pilates workout of hers offers a light warm-up he stretches, movements that work multiple muscle groups at once, and healthy encouragement.

This is an advanced-level class, so as Spencer says, “Be prepared to move fast and feel a good burn.”

Spencer tells us to start on the mat. No additional equipment required. After sitting on the seat with your knees bent, rotate your hips from side to side and wipe your knees from side to side on the windshield. Spencer then balances on his hands and feet with his hips up and his stomach facing the ceiling. A crab walk you might have done in gym class when you were a kid— to activate the gluteus maximus.

A clamshell follows and attacks the gluteus medius on each side of the pan. “She’s cute, but she hurts,” jokes Spencer. Soon, he’ll add upper-body rotations to challenge the whole body (and brain).

From there, move on to the heart of your training. This involves working your core muscles and developing proper form in positions that can certainly be uncomfortable. Ultimately, Spencer tells the half-side plank to push up, extend your arms to the sky, lower your arms, and repeat.

If this sounds intense, don’t worry. Spencer uses transitional stretches like downdogs, lunges, and cat-and-cow to move between different exercises that work your core and glutes. This will give you the rest you need between each segment of your workout.

With these stretching breaks, you may not realize how hard your workout is until you’re almost done. Still, with Spencer guiding you through every step of your workout, rest assured you’re being enthusiastic and well-trained. Ready for a good sweat? Hit the mat and press play.

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