Home Health Care House Dems introduce bill to allow federal funding to cover abortion

House Dems introduce bill to allow federal funding to cover abortion

by Universalwellnesssystems

Illustrated by Gabriella Turrisi/Axios

House Democrats today plan to introduce largely symbolic legislation that would lift the government’s longstanding restrictions on using federal funds to cover abortion.

Big picture: abortion rights advocate It argues that such funding is necessary to ensure that the procedure is accessible, especially to low-income people and people of color. is zero.

  • If enacted, “low-income people, primarily black and brown, would have the same access to all types of reproductive health care, including abortion care,” said Rep. Barbara Lee, California. State Democrats), the House pro-choice caucus and the lead legislator to introduce the bill, told Axios.

By numbers: In-hospital abortions can cost up to $800 for the first pregnancy, and when looking at subsequent abortions, costs range from $715 early in the second trimester to up to $2,000 in the second trimester. Data for Planned Parenthood.

detail: of Equal access to abortion coverage in health insurance law Repeal the so-called Hyde Amendment and ensure that people with federal health insurance have access to abortion services.

  • The Hyde Amendment dates back to the 1970s and provides federal funding for Medicaid and other federally administered health programs for abortion, except in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the pregnant person is in danger. is prohibited.
    • The Hyde Amendment was updated many times by Congress, even when Democrats controlled the House.

  • The EACH Act also prohibits the federal government from restricting or banning abortion services by private medical programs.

What is happening: Meanwhile, House Republicans have introduced at least 11 anti-abortion bills since their party won control of the House. Victoria Knight of Axios report.

  • This includes Rep. Chris Smith’s (RN.J.) bill that prohibits using government funds to cover abortions or for health insurance that includes abortions.
  • “In the first few days of the majority, House Republicans have spent time pushing dangerous anti-abortion and anti-women agendas, spreading misinformation, and pushing harmful laws that further limit access to abortion care. wasted,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts), who also introduced the bill, said in a statement to Axios.

What’s next: Lee, who plans to run for Senate in 2024, told Axios that he intends to continue reintroducing the EACH law.

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