Home Mental Health Dementia brain check: This is how exercise can boost your brain power

Dementia brain check: This is how exercise can boost your brain power

by Universalwellnesssystems

We all know that exercise is good for our physical health, but in recent years more and more people are discovering the transformative effects of exercise on their mental health as well. It’s about increasing your strength.

But a new study commissioned by Asics found that exercise can significantly improve cognitive function.

Professor Brendon Stubbs invited 77 competitive gamers from around the world who had never exercised before to participate in a four-month exercise program.

Under the guidance of trainers, participants who specialized in games such as chess, mahjong, and esports participated in moderate-impact cardio and strength training sessions, performing up to 150 minutes of activity per week. rice field.

Following in the footsteps of four of the gamers was the camera crew for the documentary film Mind Games the Experiment.

Stubbs prioritizes gamers’ problem-solving skills, short-term memory, and executive function: juggling and tasks.

Improvements were even seen in their game. “On average, people’s national rankings went up by 50%, and international rankings by 75%,” he says.

If these pro-level players can make significant progress, can exercise help everyone develop their mental skills?

Gray matter enhancement

“The benefits of exercise for the brain are well known, including reduced stress and anxiety, increased energy, alertness and concentration, improved memory, and reduced brain aging and related neurodegenerative diseases.” Re:Cognition Health (recognitionhealth.com) neuroradiologist.

“Exercise has also been shown to regulate brain glucose metabolism, which provides fuel for physiological brain function and neurotransmitter production.”

Scientists aren’t exactly sure why movement and cognition are linked, but brain scan studies show that an elevated heart rate connects areas of the brain associated with problem-solving, memory, emotions, and more. It has been suggested that new neural pathways are formed.

“Each exercise develops and strengthens new pathways,” says Stubbs. “Like muscles, the more you use these pathways, the stronger you get in the short term.

Additionally, exercise stimulates the production of chemicals such as BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and IGF (insulin growth factor), he explains. “These are the factors that stimulate the growth of new cells in areas of the brain that are highly responsive to muscle contraction, so it is important to fertilize the brain in a very positive way in order to lubricate these connections. will help.”

long term link

So, staying healthy may make us less likely to lose our car keys and procrastinate every day, but can it help prevent lifelong cognitive decline?

“Exercise is thought to promote brain cell growth and survival and may help reduce the risk of developing dementia,” says MacSweeney.

“Exercise also helps promote sleep, which is essential for all aspects of the body, including reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and helping manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.”

your mental workout plan

If you’re starting your fitness journey from scratch, like the ASICS research gamer, you don’t need to sign up for marathon training or hardcore HIIT classes right away.

“Do what you love. You’re much more likely to start doing it, and you’re much more likely to start over,” says Stubbs. Find what works best for you by combining different exercises, such as walking, jogging, dancing, swimming, fitness classes, or a private session at the gym.

“Then, as you get into the continuum of activities, keep stacking and adding variety. Go with friends, go outdoors, experiment, enjoy it all.”

If you do cardio or strength training regularly, try a combination of the two for optimal results.

“[Participants] Gradually increased to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, including 2 days of strength training. It’s an ideal scenario for everyone,” advises Stubbs.

“But the rate at which people go there varies from individual to individual. It’s important to remember that some are better than nothing, and many are better than some.”

Moderate exercise that ends 20 minutes before a big event is best when you want to boost your brain power quickly, such as for an important exam or job interview.

“It also helps to excite the nervous system initially and then calm it down,” says Stubbs. “It’s really good to do just before to help you focus, calm yourself down more, and improve your performance.”

Mind Games – The Experiment is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.

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